Steemit Suggestion - can we have the ability to follow topics rather than people?

in #steemit8 years ago

I've more or less given up reading the "New" tab, there is so much there that doesn't interest me, and then when I get to the bottom of the page I have to wait for what seems like ages while Steemit spins it's wheels and loads the next lot of stuff to wade through.

Here is a suggestion - instead of giving us the ability to follow people, can we follow topics instead?

My ideal Steemit would be a custom list of topics I have selected showing up for me on the right hand column of the home page. That way, if I never want to read another "I made xxx on steemit" post again, I don't have to - I can just select topics I like.

I'd also love if my home page was exclusively made up of stories from my selected topics, in a similar way to how it is when you log into Reddit.

Devs, is this possible to deliver?


It's kind of hard to believe this is not only still not a feature but that it was not available at launch. The influence of Reddit is pretty clear in the whole idea of vote driven content, and steemit ads tons of innovative value into that concept. Why would they not include one of the most attractive features of Reddit--category-based content organization?! Following users should of course be a thing, but it is secondary to utility to topic based fed curation.
With the way things stand, my content consumption had to consist of searching one tag at a time manually to see the content I want. I'm kind of surprised there are no comments or explanations from the devs on why this isn't a feature or whether it will be.

This is my desire as well. Not only so I don't have to wade through stuff I'm not interested, but also because it helps authors get exposure to the people that are interested in their content. I have the feeling a lot of people miss out on something they'd vote up simply because they don't see it and I think a categorical list very similar to the way Reddit it does it would be immensely helpful.

Agree. At the moment the front page is non-stop steem and people talking about whales and stuff, but very little about other topics. There were a few things in the finance tab I found interesting today, but other than that it was a wash-out.

Yeah, unfortunately I haven't found myself desiring to check the feed for a couple of days. That's not a good thing.

This is almost a show stopper as someone coming from reddit. Come on now!

I agree we should be able to follow topics to better customize what we see when browsing. I do, however, enjoy the ability to follow bloggers that I like.

Very good idea, I'd prefer!!

Agreed! For what it's worth, this was the very first thing I tried to do when signing on a moment ago.

Been wanting this since I got here.

Maybe try adding steemstats to your tags. They might implement it before steemit does.

I just found this post because i googled "how to follow topics on steemit". I'm a bit surprised this isn't a capability already, or maybe it is now and I just can't figure out how to do it. This really is a very obvious feature that makes no sense to have been left out.

Me 4???
I did the same anyways ;)

Very good idea, lets stop the stalking, and get to content. Leave the stalking and egotripping to other platforms

Frankly I'm shocked that this wasn't available at launch.

The problem with following people instead of topics is the old social media trope, that you end up stuck in this echo chamber of people with similar thoughts and ideas as your own. Being able to follow topics would be much more mind-expanding.

Thanks for making this post!