Crypto Getting More Attention From Trump And North Korea !!

in #steemit7 years ago

Trump sanctions on North Korea won't stop crypto hacks senator says hey this could get crypto on to Trump owes radar here guys so this could be a good deal the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on North Korea last week but one u.s. senator said that the measures don't go far enough in deterring the reclusive countries efforts to steal crypto currency the sanctions were unveiled on February 23rd targeting North Korea's shipping and maritime a trading industries the goal as stated at the time is to disrupt the country's ability to conduct energy related imports and exports

Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts however took the administration to task that same day arguing that the sanctions are insufficient for a number of reasons among those he said is a lack of cyber crime related elements specifically referring to steps taken by North Korea to hack exchange services and steal Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies you know I have always been curious guys about sanctions now I'm not a political science major I don't have degree in economic and foreign policies and all this stuff but I've always found at least from my perspective that just sanctions don't do a whole lot you know you don't want to care about sanctions I mean what wasn't it in night was it was it 1994 or was it 2004 I forget that like nuclear weapons were supposed to be completely illegal there's something like that no one listens no one cares no one no one follows that with those rules everyone still has all these bombs guys so it doesn't make a much of a difference anyway Marky said in a statement and despite North Korea being an avowed state sponsor of a cybercrime the country's illicit cyber activities are still not addressed

Russia's reported involvement you can watch another one if you'd like yeah okay love you that's the Doge guys that's the Doge this what happens when you are a father then you have to deal with the dough geez so let's start the Marquise said in a statement and despite North Korea being an avowed state sponsor of cybercrime the country's illicit cyber activities are not fully addressed Russia's reported involvement in providing Internet connectivity to the North Korean elite and the Chinese hosting of some North Korean cyberattacks go unmentioned and these sanctions do nothing to restrict North Korea's ability to steal crypto currencies a principal means for Kim Jong Un's regime to raise revenue for its military programs so apparently guys apparently North Korea is funding those nukes right they're funding those nukes with crypto Oh Kim Jung hoon what is it space Kim guys have you checked out space Kim yet if you haven't checked out the supreme leader of North Korea's ico space Kim probably check it out it sounds like I'm shilling it maybe I am allegations that North Korea has moved to infiltrate crypto currency exchanges date back to last summer coming in the wake of intrusions against a series of South Korean based platforms South Korean law enforcement officials ultimately came out with comment came out publicly with their accusations against North Korea

According to reports last month government officials believe that tens of millions of dollars where the crypto currencies might have been stolen by North Korean actors so Trump this is a call to you my friend trump oh I hope this is getting on your radar crypto currencies are a big deal and I'm hoping that you're looking at crypto currency with a positive eye instead of under a negative light so let me know in the comments section below whether you think any type of sanctions are really going to stop North Koreans from using crypto to fund their nuclear program I guess that's what they're doing who knows guys but maybe just maybe I'll Trump I might I'm doing it guys maybe I'll Trump oh hey maybe he can get on the cryptocurrency train guys and smash the like button for Trump though