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RE: I’m new! And not entirely sure what I’m doing …

in #steemit8 years ago

Hey and welcome to Steemit :)
A Brit Steemian here also so I'm hoping I can help out a bit. Steemit is a bit of a learning curve but it's great fun.

As the Welcomebot says. Make sure you get Discord and go to the PALnet channel
It's a great place and for new Steemians and there's loads of people that will be happy to help.
Also, check out what myself and others at #promo-uk are doing. We are working on getting more Brits to the channel!
Finally, there's also a #TeamGB started that is a bit of fun for SteemWars :) that are looking for new members :)



Thank you for the kind welcome, for the tips and links. I'll certainly check them out in order to try and gain some semblance of understanding!