STEEMIT-In it for the money or not?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wondered why people sign up for steemit? For me it's a constant thought that crosses my mind. Most times I go through people's blog and from their post I just realize that it's about the money for them and for others it's about leaving an impact in the life of anyone who comes across their blog. thinking-girl-1.jpg

I personally believe that our first thought shouldn't be about what we stand to gain materialy but rather the knowledge we stand to obtain. Everyone has something new and different to offer each with their own views. The point is to take more action in positive directions and spend less of our finite time and energy on the negatives.

What are your thoughts?


Probably most are temped by the money part of Steemit. Many it is not the main reason to take the plunge, but it will be certainly a part of it.
Once they noticed that their first posts are getting unnoticed, a lot of them drop out. Other keep on battling and try to make something of it.

I belong to the second group. It still is sometime hard to get noticed. But I'm trying to build a nice community around me. I always prefer an comment on a post of mine over an upvote. Both is great. But what is an upvote worth without a comment? Just money but for the rest it is meaningless!

Exactly... Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, means alot.

I've been examining whether I'm in it for the money. I am to an extent but I also believe that posting positive Christian messages and the love of Jesus onto the blockchain spreads his Light and banishes the darkness - of which there is a lot.