My Most Hated Feeling In The World
It's official! Rainy season has started in our little part of the planet!
Here's an actual picture I took with my old mobile phone. Please forgive the picture quality:
- Just look how Derpina's morning is already ruined! And she's just starting the day!
Ick! Ugh! Pheewwww!!!The water looks just like poo!
And surprise, surprise! Trash float all around the place.
No wonder this happened!
After I got home, I immediately washed my shoes and took a warm bath.
I wouldn't want to catch leptospirosis! Oh gawd! That's one dead serious disease! No joke!
No trash too small can escape!
She always said.. That small candy wrapper that you just throw on the ground, that piles up with all the other trash and will give us trouble later. So make sure you throw them away properly.
Honestly until today, I still try my best to do my part.
So now...
YOU! Who carelessly threw away that empty plastic bottle after taking that refreshing drink...
YOU! Who threw away that torn chippy foil on the ground after eating it with your friends...
YOU! Who just let slip that cigarette butt you just finished...
Even something so small, will pile up and clog our sewers.
Please remember that.
We all live on the same planet. Let's take good care of it so it will take good care of us!
Unless you really want to swim in poo water!
Thank you so much for checking this out!
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The Unbreakable Rule
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Hahahhah that face! But yes I agree wet, smelly socks from flood water is not a great feeling espeicially knowing there is rat loss, poop and other bodily fluids eewwww
I agreeeeewwwwww!!! XD
Lol, that was a surprise twist to the comic. Unexpected! :P
Interesting lesson to this write-up! :O
I like your green passion here, and I like how you funnily expressed your frustration with litterers. :) I wish for some more lead up transition sentence/words between "Honestly until now, I do my best to do my part" and the "I blame you all" section.
Really like your work! Looking forward to your next post :)
Hahaha! Thanks man! I just felt I had to post about it immediately when I got home.
Thanks to the soggy socks!
And thanks for the criticism! I just felt like ranting quickly. Hahahaha!
Thanks again for checking this out.
Yeah, I know that feeling, it socks xD
In all seriousness, I agree with you. I also keep my trash in my pocket until I can find a trash can or I reach my home. And I can't even dare cross a flooded road because I can get allergies easily.
You mentioning conan and tootsie roll on your post, makes me feel young xD
Hey I'm not that old! Honestly, the kids today!
Get off my lawn you young whippersnappers!!! XD
i know how it feels like @guri-gure .throw your socks away now!
i loved your message in this post, i felt how upset you were..hopefully everyone could come across on your post esp. those people who are guilty of the things you've mentioned.
LOL! @dynamicshine is right! Don't mess with me!
Or I'll throw these soggy socks in your face!
Thanks for the support @dynamicshine! :D
Hey man, at least it's raining over there!
Oh what's the weather on your side?
Yup true! Rain is good.
It's the flood caused by clogged sewage systems here that's the problem. :(
It's pretty much the same here.
But we get either :
Flesh burning sun or
call noah, we need a new ark.
And we have the same sewage problem, but at this point I think is a social behavior problem
Yikes! So it's always that extreme!? My gawd.
I agree with you on the social behavior problem.
Here's hoping it gets better.
I also hate this season 😧 .. It makes me go to the toilet many times just to u know.. 😖 I really dont like this season . .
Oh no! The number two!!!! XD
hahaha.. xD
this weather makes me feel dizzy
weather for two
pregnancy for one
Hahaha! Oh no!!! LOL!
Fantastic post, it made my day. Sorry for making our planet one big trashcan like in Wally movie, I will do my job and try to segregate my crap.
Awww thanks man! Your comment just made this post really meaningful!
Thank you very much!