Zombies at Starbucks Comic Strip

It's been a while since I haven't done some of my usual comics. Well, here's something to treat you all :)

I know what you're thinking, the comic cover looks way better than the actual comic.... and that's because it ended up being longer than I wanted to xD so I had to make faster strokes and handwrite the speech bubbles. In general I think the comic could have been drawn better, but it helped me to practice quick sketching.

We've all been in a zombie mode when we wake up, not until we get a cup of coffee is when we actually feel awake (also breakfast or exercise works to wake me up). Where I live, you can see a lot of cars going to the drive thru of McDonalds to get coffee, and there are a lot of people in the office that come with a Tim Hortons (a place known for good coffee) or Starbucks cup coffe. Me, I just like coffee which is free, so that usually means the one made in the office :P.

Now tell me, are you also a zombie in the morning? what do you do to wake yourself up? 2 cups of coffee, breakfast, doble breakfast, going to the gym, sleeping till 1 pm?

Remember, I'm running a Discord server and also a Facebook group with @jonathan-greer, in case you want to join and we can talk about webcomics and even collaborate to make ones.

If you also like to make webcomics or comic strips, you can use the tag #steemit-webcomics

Until next time!

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Haha this is awesome!! I’m pretty sure that’s how I look in the morning before I get my coffee. 😜

hahaha like the first one or the second one?

I think the first one more closely resembles me... 😂


Hahaha it's hard to picture you being a zombie for coffee

Ha! Starbucks should buy your comic - it needs all the positive press it can get right now.

I am a big believer in always sleeping as long as my body will allow me to. I'm fortunate to be able to make life work around that.

they should xD I can make an issue they can give away to their customers during halloween xD.
That's very good of you, I also believe in taking a good rest helps to have a better health. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.... but if possible, I try to sleep enough :)

Ahahaha I am a cheapskate as well and will just drink whatever coffee is being served in the office.

Good thing that I was able to have it approved that they buy good beans and a coffee maker as before it was just instant coffee (I have standards!)

But without that first cup of coffee I simply cannot be asked to talk or function or be civil haha.

Good manners and right conduct kicks in after coffee!

hahaha I feel like now we can call ourselves oficially steembrothers xD!

Bwahaha we can have @guri-gure as the bastard one hahahhahaa

Hey Cob! Hey Mav! Bastard reporting in! Hahaha! Whut I want is ice coffee even in the morning! Because im a cold hearted bastard! Funny comic btw! :D

Bwahahaha cold hearted bastard!

Hahahaha aww man your puns never fail to get a chuckle from me XD

Oh yes tell me about it. The line at mcd. Always good business because everyone wakes up like zombie. haha. I take my coffee in morning though...at home. nice comics. ;)

haha sometimes if I have breakfast with my wife (because sometimes she just want to keep sleeping) then we'll have coffee at home from better quality coffee... however I can't say no to free stuff xD
Thanks for liking the comic :)

I love your handwriting!

Aww thanks @organduo :) sometimes when I take my time to write things down, my handwriting looks good, but once I start taking quick notes, it looks like the handwriting of a doctor xD

I know what you mean. But it's a warm feeling to read someone's handwriting.

yey! another comics from @cobmaximus. I was waiting haha.. Funny as always and it cheered me up again. Thanks maybe I'll start off with some coffee too xD

It's a great way to start the day, coffee and comics xD! Glad to cheer your day :) @looserwin

I do enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning 😊 but I do enjoy drinking it at night to stay up late for anime hahaha xD

Oh lol haha we've got an anime addiction here xD. I prefer to sleep at night xD

haha. I can't watch in the morning so I watch at night.. No wonder I turn into a zombie sometimes

Nice one xD I think the cover is great, sets the mood, so less details after is fine.
Personally I sleep how much I need otherwise it affects my mood too much, coffee makes it worse :P If I need a boost I go for black or green tea :)

So how many hours do you normally sleep a night? Do you also have the chance to take naps? I feel that napping really helps to be more productive :D

I guess average 9h :) . 8 simply isn't enough for full concentration. I avoid naps as I've messed up my day/night cycle a few times. I usually get sleepy after lunch, that's when I drink a tea or take a bit of a break. ^^

Yes, after lunch is the best time for napping or having coffee/tea :D

Haha - I enjoyed that. I would have been one of those zombies for sure lol

hahahaha you've got the caffeine addiction :P