This happens when you are a short person (Drawings) 🤨
⭐¡Hi little stars!⭐
Previously I wrote about some of my problems by wearing glasses, today I bring you a list of "NOT GREAT" to be a short person.


- Some find it funny to lean on your head
Most funny people believe that your head or shoulders are armrests. Remembering once again that you are short as if you didn't know it.

- For some reason people like to get up
They think that because you're short, you weigh is not much and want to get up, this can be annoying depending on the person who does it. When my boyfriend does it's adorable. What they think is that if I fall asleep on the couch, I'm really not a problem for anyone because it's easy to get up.


- Talk to someone higher
Sometimes he doesn't listen to you when you speak, 'cause he is "too high". This probably causes some neck or back pain, the frustrating thing is that you get to think that anyone is taller than you.

- Problems with clothes
You can't wear long dresses or jeans because they're dragging along the ground.


- Always look like a little girl
More than once people will believe that you're the younger sister of your boyfriend, or a friend. Everyone will think you have 17 even when you are 24 ( It's happening to me right now). Even going to a club is difficult, because being the oldest of the group is the only one that asks for identification.

- People think you adorable for being short
But the reality is that you have no soul and you're a dark being (joke). Probably sometimes they don't take you seriously when you get angry, because you look too adorable. They give you the most nosy and cheesy nicknames.


- You can wear clothes from the children's section
This can save you a lot of money and also have clothes that nobody will have. I can borrow clothes from my cousins younger than me.

- Feet that don't reach the floor
I admit that you can look adorable when your feet don't touch the ground, you can even swing them. I suppose that depending on where you are, it can be uncomfortable. If the chair is too high I think the best thing is that you can have your feet as close as possible to the floor to avoid falls.


- Not being able to attend places with too many people
If you go to an event with too many people it'll be impossible to reach to see something, and the worst is that you submerge yourself in the crowd and then have no escape. If you manage to get out alive, you'll have at least a few stomps and bruises.

- Don't reach objects that are too high
It can be funny or it can be an uncomfortable moment to have to ask someone to reach us something. Another option is that you have to climb on a box on more than one occasion.

- Short legs
Walking next to someone much taller, in fact of anyone, can cause you to have to run to reach your step. This is when I say that it's very frustrating to have such short legs.


All the drawings were scanned by a Motorola Moto G3 through the mobile application CAMSCANNER
To see my previous drawings, I leave the following links:
✔I started drawing and this was the result
✔I drew myself as a cartoon character
✔Funny comic - made by me
✔ Doing nothing alone vs Together (Love drawings made by me)
✔Ways to get your boyfriend/girlfriend's attention (Drawings made by me)
✔Love is...💕(Illustrated by me)
✔Dedicated to my pet friend (Portrait made by me)🐶💙
✔Has this ever happened to you? 😂 (Drawings made by me)
✔Problems that only those who wear glasses will understand🤓
I'll continue publishing more drawings with stories that you can relate to. I hope you like them and have fun with these drawings made by me.
Hola @bluestargirl, gracias por compartir! ^_^
very cute and nice drawings you got there! by the way i'm a Curie curator, do you happen to have a discord account? if you do, i would like to talk to you about some of the best practices in order to increase the chance of one of your posts getting a Curie vote.
You have been scouted by @promo-mentors. We are always on the look-out for promising authors.
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If you have time, do check us out!
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