in #steemit-health7 years ago
  1. Eat Regularly: Eating regularly rather than fasting, starving or gorging. Eat normal healthy meals, preferably five to six times per day with your last meal fully three hours before you go to sleep.
  2. Eat Lightly: Overeating makes you tired and sluggish, whereas eating lightly makes you feel healthy and alert.
  3. Don’t Snack between Meals: When you eat, your body has to breakdown and digestthe food in your stomach so that they can move into your small intestine. This requires four to five hours. If you put food on top of food you have already eaten the digestive part must start all over again with part of your food at one stage of digestion and another part at another stage of digestion. This could lead to stomach upset, heart burn and drowsiness.
  4. Regular Exercise: The ideal is about thirty minutes a day or two hundred minutes per week. You can achieve this by walking, running or swimming. You should fully articulate every joint every day.
  5. Always wear a Seat Belt: Right up to age sixty five, the most common cause of premature death is traffic accidents.
  6. Quit Smoking: Smoking is directly related to thirty two different illnesses including lung cancer, oesophageal cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, heart disease and a variety of other ailments.
  7. Drink Alcohol in Moderation: Studies suggests that one to two glasses of wine aid digestion and seem beneficial to our overall health. Anything in excess of that can lead to all kind of diseases including overeating, traffic problems, personality problems and antisocial behaviour.
    Each of these seven factors that contribute to healthy lifestyle is a matter of self-discipline, they are a matter of our choice. They are actions that you can take or decide not to take deliberately. They are completely under our control.