Round one crowdfunding for Steem Island is over!!!

in #steemislandinc8 years ago

Round one is over!! I am leaving on a Disney Cruise tomorrow. If I have decent wi fi on the ship I will continue to post. If not I'll be mia for 10 days. Just thought I'd let everyone know😊


Enjoy your cruise! 10 days at sea sounds amazing!

Thank you!!!

Yay daddy! Now we go on vacation!!!


Maybe you'll find our new Island out there, hehe.

I'll keep my eyes open!! lol

Perhaps a Steem Island Reality Show one Day!?

I was thinking of that today! I think it's definitely an option. I was imagining like a survival type show.

Congrats Everyone!
Thank You @riosparada for telling me about this!
We are headed to the Moon...

To the moon and beyond!!!

When does Round II begin???

Congratulations! And enjoy your well earned trip!

Thank you!!!

wow, that's wonderful...

Thank you! Is very exciting!!

Enjoy your holiday!

Thank you!!

Glad I bought my shares earlier. Enjoy your Disney cruise!

Thank you!!!

Enjoy your trip. You get wifi on the islands in the cafes and hang outs.

Oh ok cool! Thank you!!