
as always a thoughtful and well thought out piece which i've come to expect from you. you've blossomed quite well as a writer! i wish i could get my thoughts together as well as you do - everytime i try to write something the idea skeeters away from me, going into hiding, immune to my searching and probing attempts to recapture it

Well that sounds like a post right there! Part of it, is just starting.....being committed to just whatever floats by in your mind.

Oh yeah, if you to bring the change, then you must start from within yourself, fully agree with it @stellabelle.
What I like about steemit is that people from around the world with different ethnicity, race, religions work here, and positive thing is that are here working in peace.

ha ha this was funny! Of course I am GIF ADDICT...

I have not expected this kind of article on steemit. I am impressed. I have also been writing articles of the similar theme as this article although you cannot understand them because they are written in Korean.

To achieve self-actualizatiom what we need is to be in that state instead of trying to attain the state. This is what I learned through my experiences.

Thank you for the awesome article.
I resteem this to Korean society.

Also, I allow free translations, which means that anyone can translate this and get the rewards...

Oh thank you.
I want to connect more and more people with humanity, but it is not effective for now because of my steem power, I think.
People in Korea will hear your voice more than mine.
Thank you for your kind offerings.

I translated this into Korean and posted in #kr community.
Thank you for letting me translate this into Korean.

yes, thank you.

To achieve self-actualizatiom what we need is to be in that state instead of trying to attain the state

This is a great insight.
I was also wondering if there is someone from Korea who can give updates in English about current happenings in steemit. Is there someone who could do this? I'm starting a new show that is like a Steem News Show....please advise.

you mean updates of current happenings in Korean community?
I will think about it.
Tell me more about your new project. It will help me find proper persons.
Thanks to the suggestion.

Aside from the idea of mining with our minds this is the second best "ideology" that I think I won't forget in all of your post,"The main reason I don't follow any one religion is because I always thought it would be more interesting if I made one up myself. ". Ma'am I salute you for being a bad*ss. You're one my favorite action heroes now. Lol. Haha. Just kidding. But really, that was an amazing line. Thank you for inspiring all people in this community. Good luck, more power and stay healthy! :D


you guys are the best coworkers ever.

I love the fact that you wrote this 11 minutes ago from anywhere in the world, and I am able to talk to you all while we all get rewarded spiritually, creatively, and financially.

peace and love!!

yeah, it's pretty mind blowing! Equally mind blowing is that I did zero editing, and just really unleashed this in a matter of minutes.......I feel that it's entwined with what Tesla has envisioned as far as energy circulation....meaning thought energy is turned into electric money.....the really epic thing is that we get to complete the cycle with our upvotes. That should be a reason to do a happy dance...
It's funny, because I am a cynic and prone to very dark moods.....I'm trying to force myself out of them..

I love that I do not know you,
I'll never meet you.
and I am connecting with you in real time.
and I relate to your experience, all of it.

don't force yourself out of anything love,

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Hello @Stellabelle

This is a very insightful and detailed article by you. And I found your summation under the below quoted context very useful:

what I was trying to say is that we all are coworkers in a decentralized organization, that has no physical boundaries. If you think about Planet Steem in these terms, it might release your mind from only thinking about blogging as a means to earn. You might be tempted to start any number of projects that go well beyond the scope of blogging......You might even start a new religion

It was as though you're speaking directly to me. I will certainly put your advice to good use in terms of not seeing Steemit as only a means to earn more money but to pursue worthwhile projects that will have a great impact to humanity. Thanks for sharing.


Hi @stellabelle , Hi steemian! I'm using internet since 1995 and Steemit is the FIRST social network or that makes me have the desire of be a part of this and envourage me to be so exposed as i think. This Little Internet Town really Rocks!

This is wonderful. Truly acquisition of money does not bring happiness. Self actualisation or fulfilment is what many strive towards but how many can really achieve it?

self actualization is a major key to achieve more success and greatness in life. An individual might have dreams, goals and aspirations but without the realization of the type of strength you posses within, all those plans and goals becomes absolutely unrealistic. It begins with waking up everyday and telling yourself that you are great and you can do all that you plan to do without fear.

Lol, yeah you kinda wandered off there starting to talk about the higher self xD Steemit is like a gateway for me finally enabling to be part of this change in the world.