beautiful togetherness with grilled chicken + sambal kecap

do you know that??

The picture above is grilled chicken and soy sauce. Tradition in Indonesia any meat or fish that is burned, must always be equipped with soy sauce, like the photo above.

Gambar diatas adalah ayam bakar beserta sambal kecap. Tradisi di Indonesia setiap daging atau ikan yang di bakar, pastinya selalu dilengkapi dengan sambal kecap, seperti foto diatas.

Walaupun kelihatan sederhana, sesungguhnya setiap daging atau ikan yang dibakar dan di lengkapi dengan sambal kecap sangatlah enak. Kamu yang belum mencobanya silakan mengikuti langkah kami ini.

Although it looks simple, in fact any meat or fish that is burned and equipped with soy sauce is very tasty. You who have not tried it please follow our step.

Ceritanya kami sahur dengan ayam bakar + sambal kecap./The story we eat with grilled chicken + soy sauce.

Seusai tadarus Al-Quran, kami langsung sahur, sebagian diantaranya mengaji dan sebagian lainnya membakar ayam dan membuat sambal.

After the tadarus of the Qur'an, we immediately dawn, some of them were recited and some burned chickens and made chili sauce.

Sungguh asyik di hari ini, suatu kebersamaan yang indah. Semoga kebersamaan ini tidak berakhir di dunia, namun terus berlanjut sampai kehidupan baru setelah kehidupan di dunia.

.It's really fun today, a wonderful togetherness. Hopefully this togetherness does not end in the world, but continues until a new life after life in the world..


Follow @adesukandar


Great post and thanks for sharing. If I had to pick, I'd pair this with a Maibock. The two would be delicious together

seems more delicious, if there is a maibock