Fufunchis Adventures at SteemFest 3 (recap) 🐀🐁🐀
The recap of the epic adventures of Fufunchis (@yidneth 's 3 plushie rats) at Steemfest 3... Party, friends... joy! Bliss!
STEEMFEST was very intense and this is the first time I am finally in front of my computer to share some of my experiences. It was impossible to catch a breath and break to write from the phone. Most of the pictures of this post are taken by my phone and are rather candid and spontaneous. It was delightful to meet so many friends (old and new) and I had a great time.
I performed in "A Night of Steem" along with some other talented musicians and if someone has pictures of that I'm grateful to have more as I want to write a post about it. I will write more about my own impressions but this post is a bit unconventional, Steemfest through the eyes of my fufunchis who came inside my bag and enjoyed all the sweet experiences (shhh, they didn't pay for the ticket and came smuggled inside my bag). It was a fun and sweet thing to do and I had promised my friends @pechichemena 🐖 and @paintingangels that I would do this and update them daily, so I was sending all these pics to @helpie discord server for my friends to enjoy the experience. So all pictures taken from phone, not fancy ones this time, just the spontaneity of the moments.
So this is FUFUNCHIS adventures in Steemfest
Who are fufunchis?
They are plush rat toys in memory of my three pet rats Tuula (wind), Ritva (branch) and Taika (spell). Even if they are not with me now, everyone on discord knows I love to use "rat memes" instead of emojis and my love for rats. But they were also my pets... I'll go for more when I have the chance, but kind of like to remember them this way which is fun (like they were).
So as I said I promised to @pechichemena and @paintingangels that fufunchis were going to make this trip with me and send regular reports so they can get to share Steemfest with my fellow helpienauts.
My partner @hedac has already shared a post our trip from Navarra to Krakow. Including our car breaking going to the airport, but we made it! Thanks Hector for coming with us, he knows I'm an hectic traveler and you fulfilled your mission of safe delivery there and back again. :)
So we drove from Navarra to Bilbao and arrived super early at the airport (went early because the car was misbehaving). The airport was even closed. But @roelandp told me, do not miss the flights! So Mum took extra care of being paranoid about missing the flight. LOL.
It is ok, mum brought butter cookies for the plane and tedious waiting times, after all she is a @helpie

Our stop in Amsterdam was very long but we took the chance to recharge the phone and crave for chocolate

We kept on checking to take our final flight to Poland:
As soon as we arrived we found fellow singer @edprivat and we all took an Uber to Krakow.
We arrived to the airbnb and it was really nice... But we couldn't chill for long as we were already late for our first meeting with our fellow friends.

Above: Our hotel in Krakow... nice... but Let's party!!!
So we headed to Qbus hotel and were given our badge. It was @suesa who did us the honour. And there were yummy toffee candies. This is going to be sweet.

We were welcomed by a wizard! And he got to know us too. Mum is an elf so already feeling embraced by family. Thank you @gtg for the warm welcome and your sweet encouragement!
Krakow has some charming places, I enjoyed the bridges and though we had some issues with contamination and smog during the visiting days, there are some lovely spots. Here some snapshots walking around Krakow:

Cakes and cookies

Both days of conferences were packed up with cakes and cookies and coffee.... Above with @meno having an idea (noted lit bulb) and the piglet is @pechichemena who could not attend though @llfarms brought his "pig avatar" who enjoyed coffee and cookies with us.
Endless supply of cakes and cookies... is this heaven?

The Conferences and Round tables
We did not get get a picture with @ned he seemed very engaged in conversation :)
@llfarms from curie mentioned us as example of high quality blog, thank you so MUCH! (hmmm Justine, don't take this entry seriously... we took over Mum's feed for today)

@utopian-io conference by @techslut We were mesmerised by her pink hair... Unicorn hair (Thanks also to @mrlightning for the vocal remedy)
Two of our favourite people that made our trip more amazing, @prc and @tixinhacapitinha from @dsound

We weren't too quick to grab a @steemmonsters t-shirt, sigh We listened to @aggroed speech and chatted a while with @yabapmatt about geeky things.

We met so many wonderful people. Impossible to name them all in this post but Mum is writing one on her own.
Above: one of our favourite picture from the trip... we got to meet a wizard! Thanks for the welcome @gtg The Wizards hats will soon be a trend!
@roelandp also took a fancy picture with us... Steemfest was lit! And firey red!
During the breaks the fun went on...! JAMMMMMM

Jamming among musicians. There were singing popular songs and @luzcypher from @openmic was encouraging all to join in.

A night of Steem
Mum @yidneth performed during a Night of Steem and we were on stage... has anyone a picture of us up there?
We also enjoyed the other performers. Here a picture listening to talented @edprivat
And Partying hard listening to @steembirds
Kudos to all performers of the night @katrina-ariel @greencross @edprivat @enginewitty @steembirds Thanks also for the lovely backstage parties and conversations! I like the night featured such eclectic mix of artists.
We love living the fancy life: Boat trip and tourism
We took a boat to sail over the Vistula river with our fellow Steemians.

We met @blocktrades at the boat too, though we were not aware who he was at the beginning, blush! He was super nice to us and we got to thank him and his wife for their support.
We also had a long interesting and almost spiritual journay chat with @koreanoprah
By this time we were becoming really popular and we stole the spotlight (sorry @yidneth)
We had a yummy lunch with @martibis and @hashcash First time we pay a lunch with Steem (faaaancy!)
Then partied on and... you know
Fast food in Poland is so cheap... good not to be on diet!

We met so many dragons!!

We were all tired but loving the night life, show must go on so heading to a well known pub on the SF beer route

We walked around the city... looks pretty in the night... We found a carriage for mum to go to the Ball like Cinderella, mean Ball, mean to the Karaoke organized by @coruscate @steemcafe and @anomadsoul

We were too wasted and tired to be on pitch though. Karaoke fail! :( despite our best intentions and squeaky voices.
Our favourite part of the trip: Wieliczka Salt mines
Sunday morning was quiet... we finally slept a lot and we went out to buy some souvenirs...
Then we went to the Salt Mines... just WOW!

We lost the licking walls competition to cute @corinnestokes and @lukestokes kids though, it was two teams of three but they are bigger and faster than us! But we all agreed that was the tastier place we've ever been. Salty!

Family picture!
Fancy Closing dinner at amazing Wieliczka Salt Mine... Cherry liquor and vegetarian course... by the way, it wasn't cheese but tofu. And yes dinner was salty enough :)

@Katrina-ariel dragon was already very drunk... are you ok, buddy?

A group picture of @thealliance and of course we fufunchis were there
Award to cutest attendee goes to Juka @jukatravels the traveling dog. At the beginning we felt a bit shy and were stalking her trying to scan her badge, she was indeed one of the most popular steemians... But that wish became true. Softest fur ever

And then it was time to leave... we feel we couldn't meet and talk with as many as we would have loved to. When we came here we thought there were many days... but they flew and there was not enough time to meet you all. Thanks to all the ones we have crossed paths with.

We were very tired, even if in all the planes we had subliminally got the message POWER UP
And after the long trip a well deserved rest... now to remember all the sweet memories
Share your Steemfest pictures with us
If you happen to have stumbled upon me
or @hedac during Steemfest and want to share a picture of us or with fufunchis share them with us. I will be doing another SF post from my point of view during the week so if you happen to have taken a picture with me or @hedac, fufunchis or of my performance feel free to contact me to send it through my discord https://discord.gg/ryXvgt

We will remember this experience always! Thanks @steemitblog for allowing us to have this experience. Until next time!
We feel we fell short of time and we missed to interact more with so many, but may we meet again!
Note: There are SOOOO many more pictures, I'll try to stop by your feeds to deliver them as well with the people who posed with us.
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Woow! Sin duda este es el mejor post que he visto hasta el momento de steemfest 3! Tus ratiras son adorables, es la primera vez que veo a Juka tranquila con otros animalitos alrededor 😂 Vuestra actuación fue increíble. De veras espero volver a cruzarme con vosotros pronto. Sin duda... La pareja más encantadora de todo el el evento. Un fuerte abrazo para los dos y para las adorables ratitas también! 🐁🐀🐁
Awww gracias , hahaha ya ves por qué necesitaba una foto de ella con las ratitas hahaha. Me alegra mucho que te gustase nuestra actuación y nos hizo muchísima ilusión conocer a alguien de España y más con nuestras mismas inclinaciones por la naturaleza. Esperamos que volvamos a cruzar caminos pronto... en algún sitio bonito! :)
What a great recap folks! :) Loved to meet you both!
We are waiting for your visit in Portugal... ;)
Haha "fufunchis" 🐀 took over my feed. But they agree with us that you and Patricia were one highlight of the trip. I hope you like the album, lots of love there, but encouraged to go on for next.
Sintra Palace is in my bucket list for sure. Seriously thinking about it
Cool! :) We live quite near, so when you decide to come just let us know... ;)
I love theesssee <3 best recap of Steemfest I've seen so far (and probably the best one I will ever see) :))
These guys should've had honorary Steem badges, I love their take on the whole event.
PS: We thought we were in Moria too :)) Would've been useful to have @gtg there with us, who by the way, is rocking that hat ;)
Let's do that again. Next Monday? :-D
@gtg Monday, sure! My friends have grey hats just saying ;)
Honestly I know I got to go thanks to the raffle and as unexpected as it was to attend I had a great timem
@honeydue fufunchis honorary badge, I am sure they would have loved that. I was having so much fun doing the pictures of them that I barely made of my own with people lol. I may have won a rep as a tad bit eccentric but was sending the pics real time to friends who did not come and they would ask for more. Lol
Yes, time flew
LOL - epic post dear @yidneth! You're such a great soul and it shines through everything you do here on the blockchain <3 Loved loved loved meeting you!!!
I have another post coming, from my own view, but they took over you know lol. Aw you are so sweet. Hugs
What a fun recap! Those fufunchi sure know how to have a good time. Did you actually lick the walls? I gotta make sure to meet you all soon!
Wouldn't it be lovely? Aw and Opal too
So much fun! ;) It was AMAZING to meet you and spend time with you both. Thank you for the laughter, the music, and the sweet time together. Hope your recovery goes quickly! ((hugs))
Aww, tight hug :**** love back, need to write my own article
Arg yes, will take some days to recover but we had such a great time
I'm so glad you put their adventures in a post! It's perfect!
I had a wonderful time living vicariously through them in Helpie.
I'm so glad you all had such a wonderful time and made it home safely. 😍
I am glad you all fell part of it all through them
Question ... Did you manage to get back home from airport? ... I didn't meet Ritva, Tuula and Taika ... But it was great to meet you and your partner.... Glad we had you on SF3
Aww they had a great time, all the time smuggled in my bag...
We had to undo our suitcase right at the airport and look for our car keys... it was like a double bet... probably broken car, and lost car key....! XD but we found the key, and the car worked, and despite being very tired we made it back home right away, while the steemfest flue deployed its full force on us.
OMG those rats!
Yes, they took over my blog this time, haha so it is a less serious post, but that is also part of me. They are quite sassy. Now you know why I plague people with ratties on discord. We wish we could have met you captain @drakos.
Haha, just read through the post it's fucking wonderful! I love you fufunchis and you guys better be at Steemfest 4!
We hope too, we would have not been able to afford if I had not win the steemitblog contest and roelandp was able to split budget for two, but we will see. This better moon before lol