Stellabelle's Steemfest2 Entry: Animated video + How to change the world in 7 steps (yeah, really!)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemfest7 years ago (edited)


This is my entry to the contest. Good luck to everyone !

My video entry

So... Why I want to participate to SteemFest 2017 ?

  • Have a better understanding of Steem
  • Meet the Steem community
  • Boost my creativity
  • Develop my network
  • Increase my will to talk about Steem and be able to empower more people to join

I am convinced that my participation to SteemFest will have a considerable impact on me as well as the french speaking community with which I share every day.

And if you really really really want to know in detail each point... you can have a look at this article.

My vision to change the world

How to change the world in 7 days steps

This reflexion was the first part of my participation to the contest. Here is my response to What's Your Vision To Change The World ?

Change the world? As if I had the sligthest idea! I already have so much to change about myself...

As Gandhi said (and I think he is not wrong):

Be the change you want to see in the world

So here is my plan to change the world in 7 steps (I am not gonna lie, it may take a while).

Step 1: Decide to change yourself

If we want a world filled with love, peace, sharing, humanity (other: your choice)...
Some changes will be required to change ourselves to become that person in every action, gesture and thought. This already, could take a whole humain lifetime.

To change the world, deciding to change yourself is necessary. This is a choice, an important one that will require a lot of work. We will have to stick on it, make the effort every day to be that better person.

Think about it a moment and ask yourself why you want to change the world and why it is important. Becoming aware of the why will keep you motivated to jump to the next steps… and hold on, in the long run.

Step 2: Make some housekeeping in your life

Now that you know why you want to change the world. Now that you made the (hard) decision to be that better person every day. It is time to take a moment to think (introspection).

Which actions of mine, that I do daily, are against my vision of changing the world ?

  • Do I watch too much television ? (Do I keep a critical mind ? Do I let all the creativity inside me express itself and shine over the world ?)

  • Am I a negative person ? (cynical, angry, insulting, violent, … do I make people around me unhappy ?)

  • Do I smoke ? (And by doing so finance one of the worst capitalist industry that does not care about health and pollution)

  • Do I use to much petrol ? (and doing so contribute to empty our soils and increase pollution ?)

  • Do I eat meat ? (and support deforestation and everything that goes with it?)

  • Do I buy (food) responsively ? (with all its aspects : wealth redistribution, overproduction which lead to destruction of food, usage of plastic packaging, precarious work of employees, GMO usage… ) Is it possible to buy locally (short circuit) ?

Take a moment to think about money:

  • Who benefits of your actions ?
  • To what will this money be used for when I buy this or that ?

Step 3: Get training

To become a version 2.0 of yourself, you will have to train and learn using the all the knowledge left by great thinkers, philosophers and artists who have lived differently than the rest of us.

And to do this, the easiest way (thanks to the Internet!) Is to read as much as possible (from biographies to religious books but also personal development books, novels and poems ...), and meet inspiring people (trainers/trainees, speakers, …).

Step 4: Change your thoughts

While training, you thoughts will race in your mind. That's good ! Only fools do not change their minds.

Do not forget that "thinking" is already an action by itself. Those thoughts lead to actions. Transform them to be positive.

Lots of people want to change the world, the "anti-everything": ''anti-school", "anti-capitalist", "anti-political", "anti-waste", "anti-poverty in the world", "anti-Trump", ...
Stop being AGAINST, do not spend more energy on that. Instead, focus on something positive; Create and focus on these solutions. Be "For an alternative school/education system", "For a world with better distributed wealth", "For a healthier world", ...

As you train and change your thoughts, confront people with other opinions (even the most extreme ones) discuss with them, listen to them and confront your ideas. Then challenge everything you knew and everything you were told.

Step 5: Master tolerance

While trying to change yourself, you may be annoyed and irritated to see others not be as the same level of consciousness as you and even worse: not even wanting to be!

Yes. By becoming more conscious you may go crazy when you see the lights on all night the buildings of big companies, to see people hunting endangered animal "for fun", to see people smoking "for pleasure" or even worse: see them throwing their cigarette butts on the street!

Yet if you want to change the world, you will have to be tolerant with everyone. And even more with those who do not think like you do.

And do not forget to be tolerant with yourself ...
You want to make a small gap despite all the decisions you have made? You want to buy a candy package from such a brand, or an object produced in such country ...
Make them without feeling guilty.
You know that eating meat is not good for humanity yet you love it? Keep eating ... but just a little less, in conscience and especially without guilt. It will make a big difference and it will be a small step that can lead to others.

Step 6: Find a way to express yourself

Learning is good, sharing is even better.
Find the way you express yourself that makes you thrill: writing, painting, video, music, singing, teaching, etc.
Explore your deepest self, expose yourself and share with the world.

Step 7: Help others to change

While you become a better version of yourself, take some time to support people around you (and the rest of the world) in this quest. Talk about your progress (writing a blog / a book?), share tips that worked for you. Meet others and inspire them (giving lectures?), pass on everything you have learned and discovered.

Let go of the idea that YOU can not change the world. That the world is as it is and that it will never change.

But in the end, what really matters is that everyone can change the world in its own way. No need to follow all these steps. Sometimes a single word can change someone's life, a smile can brighten someone's day, an simple gesture can make someone feel loved.

Never forget to Innovate, Dream, Create. Share. Love.

Just be the best version of yourself. That should be enough to set an example for others.

Now stop talking, start doing!

And change the world... one step at a time.

If you speak french, join me on my profil @roxane to have more information about How to share quality content on Steem and others tips.

If you liked this post and you speak english, you can follow me on my personal profil @malik.roxane !

See you soon !


Wow!!!!!! Vraiment génial Roxane!!!! Ta vidéo est super belle, touchante, et comique!! Je n'ai jamai fait de vidéo et je me demande comment tu as réalisé la tienne?
Ton texte m'a plu énormément! J'apprécie de découvrir que tu partages mes idées sur comment chacun de nous peut changer le monde, un petit pas à la fois, avec nos pensées, nos habitudes, nos actions... Observons nous, laissons de côté ce qui ne nous convient plus et passons à l'action!!!! Je te souhaite de remporter ce concours et d'attirer à toi tout ce qu'il te faut pour participer au Steemfest!!!!! Merci d'être toi et d'être là pour la communauté francophone!! Bonne chance et bonne journée!!!

Thank you for your entry! Upvoted and resteemed!

@stellabelle i want to be added in your profile permanently.. please..

Merci @roxane jolie petite video, j'espere que tu fera ton chemin jusqu'au SteemFest car ton travail sur la video et le texte le valent bien. De plus il faut quelqu'un la bas pour representer la communaute francophone. Joli boulot.

Merci @ricko66 pour ton soutien.

Dit moi si je peus voter qq part

Non te tracasse pas! C'est elle qui va choisir :-D Fin août, ça nous laisse de la marge !

Uptvote & Resteem ! Super vidéo ! Tu mérite de gagner :) Merci pour ton travail avec la communauté francophone, tu es inspirantes !

Thanks for your work, it's inspiring !

Merci @sushi888 pour ce soutien qui tombe à pic.
Hâte que tu postes ta participation aussi !

Nave fun there. I can't be there. :(

Why aren't you be able to make it ?

Upvote and resteem. . Have a nice day.

Thank you so much @bellatravelph !

nice post, inspirational to people who needs to know who they really are, or if it is the right way to change there life

Thank you for your comment. Inspiring was the goal... :-)

Un 100 % upvote sur ce programme qui me parle ^_^
et un resteem bien sûr !!

Resteeming this to 14,000+ followers. Hope it helps, Roxane. :)

Oh waw :-) First time my ideas are exposed to 14.000+ followers at the same time.
Thank you @joanaltres

It just posts it to their feed, but I may have timed this one wrong. I'll add you to my list and resteem a different post sometime this week if this doesn't get you some exposure.

Ok :-D thank you very much for your kindness.
Just in case, on this profil @roxane, I write mainly in french. But in my private one, I write in english too @malik.roxane ... Have a nice day !