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RE: Has anyone even asked Ned? - Steemian Festivals - SteemFest 3 Dilema

in #steemfest6 years ago

The fuck are you on about.

Are you a solution to a problem? Have any original ideas?

I'm addressing systemic inequality and inequity on the platform, blockchain, and by proxy within the world we live in through my actions on this account which are plain for all to see.

What are YOU doing.


There is no thing equal in nature. Sounds like you want some communist system. Clearly history has shown that it was flawed and didn't work. Capitalism has created the most amount of abundance. You use Tech that came because of capitalism. Want better results? Work smarter and more effective. There is no other answer.

This is what you clearly is in denial in. The 2 lessons of history is life is competition and selection. Read Will Durant. This is natural laws. Have any better systems? The time you took to complain you could have built a company made a profit and actually given people a job.

The world has gotten more fair for 300 years in a row which means you are not seeing reality for what is happening. And again I can see that you put low effort into comments.

Clearly you can't talk like an adult but goes back to 3 year old level here. Okay if you can't hold regular conversations in the comment thread then it's pointless to even try talking to you. You clearly cannot respond properly to my comment responses.