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RE: Diary of a Miserable Wizzard

People might admire you if you are stronger and of course, they love you to take care of the misery or fight in the front row to make changes but if it comes to it? I doubt you make many friends with it and there's a lot of envy. Nothing is as annoying and hated as a person sticking to the rules and working hard. If you have this behaviour it's helpful for any employer but at the same time you are the living proof of how lazy the rest is.
Most are sheep and sheep don't like one stepping out of the flock no matter how they admire the courage. They might cheer but if you fall they will also be the first who will point and laugh at you. but... here it comes.. I learned that if you don't care there's no one who can hurt you.

A diary I decided not to keep although I had one but no clue what to write in it. The truth? If I would do that I wold have died a long time ago. Today? I might publish it (and be dead as well although I no longer care).

The dogs in my childhood had a way better life I can assure you that but one paid a high price as he defended me as I was attacked (the vet killed him). So never think a dog will not attack the hand that feeds him, this one did. I guess he had enough of all the abuse after after being a witness for years.

It's easier to write late or early in the morning if it's quiet. I am a nightowl and like it more unless it's too cold to stay awake or better stay warm.

Thanks for reading/commenting. It's appreciated.