Greetings to all steemians!

Who likes tangerines? I think many do. And here are tangerine bushes that grow in flower pots and bear fruit in abundance!
You see, there are several fruits hanging on each branch..If you continue to take proper care of them. Perhaps after abundant fruiting, when the tree goes into seasonal dormancy, transplant it into a larger flower pot so that it can grow more freely. Remove the extra inner branches and leave only those that grow outward, freeing up the entire middle.
I don’t know, I’m just guessing. What if this is a dwarf tree that I saw as decoration at the entrance to the house, where the owners are pleased to see such beauty!
I think that for those who like tangerines and who like to experiment, it makes sense to buy such bushes from flower farmers and plant them at home, then in the New Year you will definitely have tangerines!!!
Thanks for reading.