Lets Time Travel
It may now be Tuesday, but let me give you an update on my weekend just gone which was very enjoyable.
We made some Velvet cupcakes on Saturday morning which turned out very Yummy, i would show you a picture of one but they got eaten over the weekend!
Here are the smaller cupcake molds being filled with this stuff, then into the oven they go.

In the afternoon i mowed the lawns and relaxed for the rest of the day with the family, we had Fish n Chips for Dinner nice and easy.
On Sunday morning after having some breakfast i decided to go and look for a new track i heard about, so off on my Mountain bike i went.
Here is where i stopped to wait for traffic.
QHG8+3P Feilding
Beautiful cold Winters morning here, this was taken around 8.30am on Sunday morning.
Found the track i was looking for after going straight past the entrance not once but twice, it had a couple of Jumps which will have to be tried at some stage.
At 3pm myself & @kiwijacobgo went to the Jets game as they were playing at home, the season so far has seen 5 away loses and i was hoping we could win this one.

My team had a great win 85-77 and finally the monkey is off our back, next game is Sunday @ 5pm versus the Southland Sharks. I re watched the game later on Sunday night as it was also on Youtube live while we watched it at the Stadium.
So that was my Weekend just gone, i was supposed to post this yesterday but got side tracked.
Go the Jets
All Pictures & Cupcakes are mine
I am @kiwiscanfly 🐔
this post is approved by Smudge
the Hot chips at the 🏀 were yum
and we won!!!
Roll on Sunday my man
BTW its 🛏🕙
WOW.... 7 STL in one Game!
Well that is really a great individual performance....
He's only 20 and i see a good future for him
Glad to see your Jets finally won.
Hopefully another win this Sunday...
Haha... I feel stupid right now. I was reading through your article and I was wondering about the COVID restrictions because the crowd was sitting so close to one another at the JETS match. So I thought I'd find out where you live, and then I started looking at the map. First I saw Felding, but that didn't give me any result, and then I discovered the I making it Feilding, and suddenly New Zealand showed up...
and that is when I felt stupid...
After all, KiwisCanFly is your username, and knowing that the kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand (if I remember correct - had a sister living there for 1 year) that perfectly makes sense. And also considering how New Zealand is one of the countries that have suffered the least from COVID, the crowd in the match also makes perfect sense!
Keep it up, and sorry for writing this long comment about nothing :)
haha no worries, we are lucky to live here at the moment with no restrictions on gatherings
Thanks for stopping by :)
did you? really?
Ok Wifey and the kids made them and i ATE THEM LOL
I knew it😅
Cute, delicious looking little cupcakes. I like colourful molds, too. Did Smudge get any to taste or were they too sweet for him?
that cat will eat most things but he not into cake etc
This looks wholesome day.
Food, family, work, fun, pets
Oh I love it.