Bike Ride🚲 Shopping 🛍️

Yesterday i had a rest day from the bike but still managed to go for a couple of walks totaling 8K, it rained for most of yesterday and the temp has taken a drop as we are now in stupid Autumn.

Today however after dropping the kids off at school i got back on the bike and went for a 28K ride in the rain, well it rained for 75% of the time and then came out sort of sunny.

These are my stats from this mornings ride, in the past 8 days i have ridden about 208K - not too bad!

Then after a shower i decided to go shopping as there were a couple things i wanted to grab, i ran out of after shave so i got this one called CK1 - cost for both was $70 NZD.

No one likes a smelly kiwi and now i smell i think rather nice🙄

Then it was off to Bed Bath & Beyond as they had 40% off sheets, i got these which were normally $420 for $250 NZD.

These sheets are currently in the washing machine getting a good wash, then i will dry them and chuck them on our bed.

Tonight for dinner i am cooking Roast Chicken and most probably a potato bake plus the normal vegetables.

Apart from the above that is all i have been up to the last couple of days.

Have a great day

all pics are mine
smudge approves this post
this post is 100% human made

I am @kiwiscanfly 🥝🐔



Simple yet lovely day. What else does one need if not a bit of sport, a bit of care for the household and a bunch of endorphins while finding discounted bedsheets :)

Yep a good day all round, the sheets were very nice to sleep on last night.

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