Who is a Child? : Definition, Child rights, Child Abuses Pt 1
Today I will start a series of post on my findings on the subject of child abuse, and ways we can prevent them. I have been reading series of books and articles on the subject so I feel the need to share with this amazing community. This is directed at adults, parents, primary and secondary caregivers and even to every child.

[image credits: Stock Free: CC0 Public Domain]
Many people are often confused as to who a child is, like I was before making conscious effort to find out about the subject matter. It is not even far-fetched to note that many people hear can’t figure out what constitute child abuse. You are probably abusing a child without you knowing it. Some cultural practices are purely child abuse practices and the practitioner of such has a backing of the culture. Let’s start with understanding of who a child is.

[image credits: Wikimedia commons under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported license]

[image credits: maxpixel : CC0 Public Domain]
Right to life.
Right to education.
Right to human identity,
Right to basic need and protection (including physical protection, food, etc.),
Right to health care,
Right to freedom of expression,
Right to birth registration,
Right to a name, family relation and nationality,
Right to information,
Right to privacy,
Right not to be separated from parents against the child’s will,
Right to maintain contact with both parents if they separate,
Freedom from discrimination on the basis of background, ethnicity religion, color, gender, religion, etc.
See here for more details.
Many parents and caregivers are constantly violating the rights of a child without them knowing it. They hide under the umbrella that they know better in making decisions that affects the child without any form of consultation of the child. This is not to say that the child has the right to tell adults what to do, but inputs from the child should also be considered. Of course we know that that their ability to think and form opinion develops with age. So the suggestion of a 5 year old cannot be compared with that of a 13 year old form instance. Like I said earlier, when it involves matters of a child, the best interest of that child should be upheld.

[image credits: Author: Pranavshaj Wikimedia commons under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license]
Have you, or are you abusing a child without even knowing it? Ignorance is not an excuse to the law. some people involves in acts such as flogging (beating) a child and will break hell loose if you tell them it is child abuse. They will call on the Bible as a defence and their cultural values. Well I want to challenge you.
Come let us reason together.
I will be talking more on child abuses with practical examples in subsequent posts. Please stayed tuned as I discuss these abuses in fine details and state ways by which a child, and even adults alike can prevent these abuses from happening.
This is exactly my point on a platform yesterday. I hope people can learn child rights so as not to abuse them anymore.
You are right. It has to be deliberate and we mustn't stop educating people about it
I agree!