SteemDice Bug.

in #steemdice8 years ago

This is for @steemdice1 but obviously anyone can read it.

Error: See image.

What I think the error is. This error has been occurring when entering decimal bets, such as .1 .5 .75 etc. All those values generate an error, however 0.1 0.5 and 0.75 do not, for that reason I believe the problem is expecting an integer to start the double. I attempted to look at your GitHub, however the formatting of the code makes it so hard to read and from there I cant recommend a solution. 

To rap up, although this isn't that big of a problem, it is still a bug and probably one easy to fix.


I wouldn't really call that a bug, it's just unexpected input. The error message you get is from steemd.

Implemented a check on the input, adding a 0 when it's missing.

Yes, that's the fix I was expecting. The only reason I call it a bug is due to that fact that to humans it seems like logical input but is denied.

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