A meeting with my good friend and Steemify Android dev

in #steemdev7 years ago


Today, I had a meeting with my good friend @kapitein.koek, who is also the Android developer for Steemify. I know him for about 20 years now and although Android development is new to him, he is a very smart guy and skilled Java developer.


We first requested a Steem account for him and I introduced him to the basics of Steem. We talked about SBD, DPOS / witnesses, reward pools, etc. While this is not really required for him to know when building the app, it's always good to have some background info.
He also showed me what he has been working on, and I explained him some things about the communications with the Steemify server. Although the interface still requires major work, we already managed to load the notifications list into the app.
Later on, @exyle also decided to give us a visit! Ofcourse we talked a bit more about Steem and how it has changed our lives.


Today has been a productive day for Steemify Android. We are still some weeks away before we can plan a Beta release, but I have full confidence this will be an awesome and much awaited app for Android users!

Me and my fellow blockbrothers are a witness as @blockbrothers. If you want to support us we would appreciate your vote here. Or you could choose to set us as your proxy.

Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
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As blockbrothers, we build Steemify, a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:


Good news... I am looking forward to that!!

Stunning skilks. I am also skilled in HTML codes and can build app with help of some online site like appyet.com
thnks for saring,pls show some love <\b>

I’m so glad we decided on an android version as well and equally glad @kapitein.koek is making it.

I have so much respect for people that know how to code. It's simply something I can never wrap my head around and yet all my life is dependent on things developers wrote.