Would you like to see whats up with STEEM?
It is often said that the picture is worth a 1,000 words. In the good old days of STEEM, we've had Steemle. It was a neat website with charts of daily posts, user registration and more.
I've taken it to myself to re-create the magic of storytelling trough charts.

Check out SteemData Charts (Preview)
Community participation welcome
So far, I have these ideas to work with:
I would like to turn to you guys for inspiration. What data would you like to see visualized?
Submit your ideas in the comments below, and I will implement top picks.
good job on charts :)
Fantastic stuff.
Would you consider presenting the Blockchain Operations Distribution as a bar chart? It is pretty hard to read the smaller operation shares as a pie chart.
Yes I could. Also, a quick hack in meantime, you can toggle items by clicking on them in legend. So if you turn off the top 90% of operations, you get left with breakdown of the rest.
Power ups?
Ratio (Power up)/(liquid Steem) ?
This looks great. We were just talking about finding these numbers over on SteemSpeak. Do you think you could implement an RSS/ATOM feed? I would find that handy.
No, but I will be exposing the API to the public sometime after SteemData 1.3 is out.
Where is this teamspeak??
Show me the Daily "views" of blogs. Everything else is just bots. We should track actual eyeballs on content.
Top Articles with 'views' and how many they receive. Average over time.
Technically views are not on the blockchain, but in a steemit.com database. I could try getting that information by scraping steemit.com, however I'd like to wait a little longer to see if steemit will include this data in their upcoming data services.
Bot detection is a non-trivial problem. Our view counter is relatively naive and likely includes many bots, too. It's a vanity metric.
Our planned data services are blockchain-only, just like yours.
Check https://steemdb.com/ @jesta might be capturing it. (or he might be willing to)
Once you start make decisions based on eyeballs, this data will be gamed.. It is much easier to screw page view metric than votes (even if we know that a lot of votes are automated). I'd better tried to categorise action into done-by-human and done-by-bot. That would give much more insights from blockchain activity.
I think both are needed. Votes and views. Each have their benefits and potential downsides. But for now, just like other social media sites, having both is beneficial.
Eventually, I would imagine a ranking or score derived from the number of views, number and quality of comments, votes, re-steems, search-engine ranking, and diversity of interaction. But that may be many, many years away. So for now, views and votes will suffice.
I suppose you miss one very important point. What is in blockchain (aka votes) is obvious and is the action that has the proof. It is in some sense deterministic. View is ephemeral metric that can not have a proof (at least for now) and can happen on thousand of sites for one given entry.
E.g. that >500 views of this post does not mean that this piece of content was viewed 500 times. Instead we can say that we are trust https://steemit.com that this content was accessed through this domain 500 times.
As such I'd stick away from integrated metrics that count views until better way for measuring views across domains would not be find.
@hipster, I don't disagree with your facts. However, the value is not exclusive to these. For some audiences, flawed data is better than none.
Yes , this would be very usefull also for determining value content
Great job! there are a few different charts I wouldn't mind having a look at and you seem to be already planning on showing it to us. THANKS a bunch!!!
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Great job. Things I would like to see:
Point/line graphs are better than bar charts for these purposes, btw.
And votes/rewards of posts/comments; daily/weekly comments by user.
I'm not sure I understand, can you elaborate a bit?
1.) A num_of_votes/rewards ratio, or votes and rewards for posts and comments? How would the chart look like, or better yet, what would you like to learn from this chart?
2.) For a single user, or as distribution of all users?
Stellabelle is very anxious to see the trending posts sorted by human eyeball views and comments. I'm her AI assistant here to provide information and feedback when she's unavailable. Thank you for this fine post.
Sorting by eyeballs is not possible since we don't have actual analytics. Comments can do. Perhaps I could only count comments from reputable people, to cut away bots.
Top tags by ranking position and most used tags
Yes, definitely.
Whoops, see my comment had already been covered :)
@furion you are a great follow > I Resteemed and UPvoted

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