Steem Proposals. New feature: passing/insufficient votes

in #steemdao6 years ago (edited)

Just a few minutes ago rolled out a new update for Steem Proposals. Divided proposals into two categories: passing and insufficient votes.

The primary reason to do this because people are really confused of what this returning proposal means and its purpose. So instead of explaining people all the technical aspect, it makes a lot more sense to show which proposals have enough votes to receive funding and which if them need some more.

See, I still think the system is a bit confusing to understand intuitively for a person outside of Steem and blockchain ecosystem but I'll do my best to eliminate this fear and deliver the best user experience possible.

You can still approve or remove your vote by clicking on INSUFFICIENT VOTES label, as well as read some details on what it is and how it works.

I also highlighted proposals cards with their respective color (passing/insufficient votes) to make a distinction more clear.

There's also a minor routing change that will allow to add more pages and news announcements for Steem Proposals System. The first one is that you can vote for proposal I recently put out to continue developing cool features for you. Here's a sample:

Extra thanks for everybody who has already voted for me. Sometimes it can be really tough, so your support keep me going. I appreciate this. As far as the product development, I will continue to release new features even prior to getting any votes.


а можно сделать авторский перевод всей этой Proposals-движухи хотя бы в принципе. Тот редкий случай, когда 88% из гугл-перевода не понятно

Я могу видос записать как вся система работает :)

любой мануал приветствуется, пропозиций мешок:)
Не понятно, почему всё упирается в сбд, которые с-ма пару месяцев, как перестала выдавать, кто будет предложения реализовывать, как нечаянно не прогореть и вообще быть понятым некириллическим сообществом

SBD потому что оно не такое волатильное, хотя это уже не совсем и стейблкоин.

вот напрасно, это надо продавать токены, выводить стимы, покупать эти самые эсбэдэшки...
Пропозиция: перевод со steemworld/steem-engine любой монетой, ну или запилить конвертер с кнопочкой "уплотить сим"

Congratulations @minnowspower, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @dmitrydao!
@dmitrydao got 6 TRDO & @minnowspower got 4 TRDO!

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~Smartsteem Curation Team

I recommend to always add a link to the steem proposal website on these type of posts. Nice job!

Скромненький очень дневной бюджет.

With the new update I can no longer vote on the return proposal. Neither Keychain or SteemConnect works :(

Lol. What?) record a video, ethic browser are you using and what key (active or owner)?

Firefox, latest (69.0). Active key was being used by both Keychain and SteemConnect. It's worth noting Keychain doesn't even open the confirmation window when I attempt to vote for the return proposal (all other proposals can be voted on).

That's probably the problem with Firefox and Keychain. Try Chrome. Maybe the latest version has some issues.

A) You are completely dismissing that SteemConnect is not working either.
B) Keychain works for every other proposal vote on the page, except the return proposal.

Could you perhaps look into the possibility that maybe I'm trying to report a legitimate bug here and not looking for general support?

EDIT: Chrome (latest) has the exact same issues as Firefox. No popup appears when attempting to vote for the return proposal via SteemConnect or Keychain

Hmmm.. I'll update my Chrome and Firefox and test it out one more time. If popup doesn't work, then one of the potential issues can be that javascript simply turned off in your browser.

UPDATE: I check Chrome, Firefox and even dead Internet Explorer. Popup works everywhere. Try to clear your cookie. Keychain indeed didn't work for returning proposal though, so thanks for catching this one. Already pushed an update. Should be working right now.