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RE: Anyone find it funny how the multiple "spam cleaners" organizations never flag Bernie Sanders for his spam and sexual insults?
What did these babies do to deserve being verbally harassed by an adult man? You don't give a flying a fuck about real issues. Just care about your own ass over a .01 negative downvote. Do me a favor.. and go fuck yourself you sack of selfish shit.
Where is the link to this comment/post on the blockchain, I wan't to see the original for confirmation?? Bernie would not send me the link! I just find it funny bernie is retarded!!! lol if this is true.... bernie didn't spell you're correctly! That is why i don't believe this is actually real. If so that means bernie may be younger than I thought! lol
Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.
He spelled you're wrong again, wow!