Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Water of eternal life.

"Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again; But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst; but the water that I will give him will be a source of water in him that will spring up to eternal life. "John 4:13, 14.
About two thousand years ago, in Palestine, a woman went quietly to a communal well one day to fetch water. It was the famous Well of Jacob, named after the patriarch who dug it. The woman was a Samaritan, from the city of Sicar. Apparently, his life until that moment had been a failure. His record included five marriages. All the villagers knew her and had an opinion formed of her. To endure the gossip, she had adopted a strong woman's facade.
At the well, that troubled woman met a stranger. He was surprised that he spoke to him, because he was a Jew, and Jewish customs prohibited the treatment of Jews and Samaritans. The man asked him to take water from the well. She did not mind doing it; but because she was daring, she asked for an explanation. *** How was it that he ignored social norms and spoke to him? ***

The woman saw that Jesus knew his past. He immediately found out that the man he was talking to was # Jesus, the promised Messiah, sent by God to save the world. * The water He offered was not the water of this world, but the living, refreshing and renewing water of the Spirit of God, an inexhaustible source of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, compassion, faith and many other virtues.*

God is willing to start a new relationship with you right now. He accepts you as you are. And tomorrow will be by your side to take you even further. He loves to renew everything, including people. Only Jesus has the water of eternal life, only Jesus is the solution to the spiritual thirst of man.
This meeting of Jesus Christ with a woman from Samaria makes it very clear that the message of the Gospel is for everyone, without distinction of nationality, religion or sex. Here Jesus returns his dignity to the woman. By it many Samaritans would later convert to Jesus Christ.
It is necessary that you also have a spiritual encounter with Jesus. Today so many feel that inner thirst for Truth, they are looking for something they do not know. They know they need an answer to their lives but they do not understand how to look for it or find it. Next to the well of God, which is his Word of profound wisdom, is Jesus Christ to satiate your thirst for eternity with the water of the Spirit.
Do you want to drink from the water that the Master promises?
Recognize that you need God, leave aside all human pride in front of the Creator and now surrender your life to Him with your own words. You will see that He will give a new feeling to your heart, the peace and love of the Holy Spirit thatwill come to comfort you.