Behold, I will send my Father's promise upon you; but you remain in the city of Jerusalem, until you are vested with power from above. Luke 24:49
If you have accepted Jesus in your heart and have been born again in Spirit, you have already received a small portion of the power of the Holy Spirit in all its splendor.
But we have to be very clear that that does not mean that we have completely filled it.
That happens later, and it is a very interesting and interesting experience.
A glass of water is a good illustration to give good explanations about this interesting topic.
If it contains at least a small amount of liquid, it can already be said that it is a glass of water.
It doesn't have to be completely full to say if it's a glass of water or not.
Christians resemble vessels that contain a little water only, which sets an example of a portion of the Spirit of God. On the other hand, those who have prayed to be filled with the Holy Spirit can be compared to the vessels very full of "overflowing" water

The question I am asking you at this moment is the following:
What effects does it have to have Jesus in our hearts and feel the holy spirit?
It enables us to love and be tolerant.
Power our prayers and take us to a very high spiritual level.
It helps us to make positive changes in our life and the life of those who need it by asking from the heart.
God bless you

In this time you have not heard about @STEEMCHURCH, AND ITS PARISHES?

A thank you to these leaders and motivators, who day by day promote the word of God and support and fill with blessings this great community with their contributions:
A thank you to these leaders and motivators, who day by day promote the word of God and support and fill with blessings this great community with their contributions:
@steemchurch , @sc-v ,@sc-n , @sc-g, @christian-trail , @sniffnscurry, @sirknight, @prime-cleric

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