STEMMCHURCH: God is the best friend we can have.
Being a friend of God is the best thing that could happen to him. God will teach you how to achieve happiness and security; it will rid you of many wrong beliefs and habits that hurt. He will listen to your prayers. It will give you inner peace and self-confidence (Psalm 71: 5, 73:28). God will help you when you go through difficult times (Psalm 18:18). In addition, God offers him the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23).
When we approach God, we approach God's friends. The friends of God will also become his friends. Actually, they will be for you as brothers. They will be happy to teach you about God, they will help and encourage you.
We are not equal to God. In seeking the friendship of God, we must understand something important: friendship with God is not a friendship as an equal. He has many more years than us and is much wiser and more powerful. He is the only one who has the right to be our Ruler. Therefore, if we want to be his friends, we have to listen to him and do what he asks us to do. Obeying God will always be for our good (Isaiah 48:18).
We all need and want friends, but over time we will also have friendships that will not last long, friendships that turned out not to be genuine, friendships that tended to lead us astray.
However, there is a friend who will never disappoint you, will never betray your trust and will always be there for you.
The perfect friend:
There is a friend who will never stay bad or will betray the secrets of our heart. There is a friend who will always be there for you tomorrow despite your mistakes and will always want to help you in your time of need.
You can read about this friend in John 15: 13-14: "No one has greater love than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. "
Jesus Christ, the Messiah and next to return as King of Kings, is the perfect friend - if you want to take the opportunity!
Jesus understands what we went through:
As his perfect friend, Jesus understands human weaknesses and temptation. "For we do not have a high priest who can not sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in all things according to our likeness, but without sin" (Hebrews 4:15).
It was He who brought life into existence (Colossians 1: 16-17), and also fully experienced human life as God and even as a human being. He understands the temptations we face, and also what disappointment, discouragement, rejection and betrayal can do to the mind and the heart. He knows from his own experience how demanding it can be to lead a life according to God, because He also suffered in this life (Hebrews 5: 8).
And we can be totally sure of his ability to help us - because He lived as a man and never sinned.
"I will no longer call you a servant, but a friend, because all the things I know about my Father I will give you to know", John 15:15.
"(Abraham) And he believed the LORD, and it was counted for righteousness", Genesis 15: 6

Best heading for a post we mice have ever seen. Great post William.
Thank you very much @Sniffknscurry, Glory is for God.
God is also a friend of the Mice. Greetings God bless you.
God will always be hay for us even if we are inperfect. With Him always worthy to count in good times and bad.
God in our best friend, he is there, in good times and in bad times.
This is my brother, in spite of everything, with Him we can always count. He is our friend, our sustenance our Bread of Life.
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Brother beautiful word of our lord..
That is right, brother. God is our best friend. With him we can count when we need, HE WILL ALWAYS BE FOR ALL OF US.
If someone becomes God friend he bless him with all blessings of God and In the event that we give up control, and rely upon the Master, we will have the capacity to discover the quality that no one but He can give us!
You're absolutely right my brother. God is our shield and Strength, There is no other that equals it. But his mercy is infinite, and we renew his spirit Every day.
Being a friend of God is the best thing that could happen to him. God will teach you how to achieve happiness and security; it will rid you of many wrong beliefs and habits that hurt. He will listen to your prayers. It will give you inner peace and self-confidence (Psalm 71: 5, 73:28). God will help you when you go through difficult times (Psalm 18:18). In addition, God offers him the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23).
Thanks for sharing good word
So is. Without God we can not live, God has control of everything and everyone on earth and beyond. A leaf does not fall from a tree without it allowing it. GOD IS OUR BEST FRIEND
God the best friend, the best father and the best companion in the whole trip of our lives. Blessings
yes, @elpastor ... God is you best friend in all moment in all time. And for ever life.