SteemChurch - Humility, Very Important Aspect in the Life of a True Christian.
There can be a lot of confusion around the concept of humility. Often, humility is associated with silence, submission and thoughts of inadequacy. But what does the Bible really say about it
Humility means subordinating oneself, but not crawling
Humility and subordination go hand in hand. The word of God says that we as Christians must subordinate ourselves to one another in humility. "Likewise, young people, be subject to the elders; and all of you, submissive to one another, clothe yourselves with humility; because: God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. "1. Peter 5: 5-6.
By subordinating ourselves and "putting on humility" we can create peace and union with others. We should not be so proud and high that we can not receive reprimand or advice. Nor should we have the mentality that our own opinions and thoughts are always better than those of others. Thinking like this does not lead us to progress or to unity in Christ.
Being submissive and humble does not mean, in any way that we must yield to other people. Paul was very clear when he said that we should serve God and only God. "For price you were bought; do not become slaves of men. "1 Corinthians 7:23. He also writes: "Well, do I now seek the favor of men, or of God? Or do I try to please men? For if he were still pleasing to men, he would not be a servant of Christ. "Galatians 1: 10.
While it is important to subordinate ourselves, in order to accept the admonition and to remain humble in our own eyes, as Christians we must seek to please God with our lives. We must fear Him and keep His word. This must be our focus: to humble ourselves under the will of God, to live and keep busy keeping his commandments, and not to try to satisfy human demands and expectations.
Humility does not mean that we are silent or passive people
Your attire is not the outer ... but the inner, the heart, in the incorruptible adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great esteem before God. "1 Peter 3: 3-4. God wants Christians to have an affable and peaceful spirit. It is of the utmost importance that we be humble and quiet in our inner man, so that we can hear the Spirit of God that speaks to our heart throughout the day.
Having an affable and peaceful spirit does not mean that we should be passive people. God also requires action and zeal in our lives. Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of heaven is taken with strength (Matthew 11:12). Everyone, who wants a deeper life in Christ, realizes that they have to be jealous, and humble in their inner man. Sin can not receive permission to reign in the heart of a disciple! If we are humble in our inner man, with the desire to do the will of God, we will do everything possible to keep our mind and heart clean. Paul writes: "In what requires diligence, not lazy; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. "Romans 12:11.
In the same way, while we must always have a quiet and humble spirit before the Lord, there are some situations in which God wants us to speak frankly. Here we have to, as always leave our own honor, reputation and natural expectations, and obey the Lord with all reverence. We should not question our own authority or ability to say or do something that God wants to accomplish through us. Instead, we should let God use us exactly as he wants, in any situation.
Humility means that we use our talents and abilities
"I say, then, by the grace that is given to me, to each one who is among you, that he has no higher self-concept than he should have, but that he thinks of himself with sanity, according to the measure of faith that God distributed to each one. "Romans 12: 3. To have a humble mentality is to think with prudence of oneself. This means that we do not boast of our abilities and capabilities. We also recognize that our competence comes from God in all things. (2 Corinthians 3: 5)
This does not mean that we should ignore the gifts and the heavenly call that God has given us. God wants to do an enormous work of transformation in us through our life! He has endowed us with our own talents and gifts, and bought us with the precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1: 18-20)
God, what he wants, is that he can use us for his glory and for his purpose, and each one of us must be aware of this. Humility is to use our talents and abilities under the guidance and guidance of God, and with this, to give Him the glory for what has been accomplished in and through our lives.
"Each one according to the gift he has received, minister it to the others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, speak according to the words of God; If anyone ministers, minister according to the power that God gives, so that in all things God may be glorified by Jesus Christ, to whom the glory and the empire belong for ever and ever. Amen. "1 Peter 4: 10-11.
Humility is the key to progress
"But he gives more grace. This is why he says: God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Submit yourself, then, to God; Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you ... Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. "James 4: 6-8,10. God works according to laws. It is a natural law that if we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and submit our own will and honor, then he will give us the grace we need to live a Christian life in truth and will exalt us in due time.
To be humble is to have the same way of thinking about Jesus Christ. Who, being in the form of God, did not esteem being equal to God as a thing to be grasped, but he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, a fact similar to men. "And being in the condition of a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, and death on a cross." Philippians 2: 6-8.
Jesus is the ultimate example in humility. He did not value his own reputation or honor, but volunteered in every situation, so God's will was fulfilled and God could be glorified through his life.
If we have the same humble mentality, and give up our own reputation and honor to be obedient to the word and will of God, then we will be able to make incredible progress in our Christian life! God really follows us closely in our hearts and is willing and zealous to strengthen those who want to live for his glory. "Jehovah said thus: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; Where is the house that you will build for me, and where is the place of my rest? My hand did all these things, and so all these things were, says Jehovah; but I will look to him who is poor and humble in spirit, and who trembles at my word. "Isaiah 66: 1-2.
God wants us to be among such people, who have a humble mindset and a desire and need to do his will, and who are fearful of his word. We should not be rich and satisfied in ourselves. This is pride and prevents God from doing a work of transformation in our lives. No, let's be humble and small at heart. Then God sees us and gives us the grace we need to make real progress in our Christian life.

"Riches, honor and life are the reward of the humility and fear of Jehovah" (Proverbs 22.4).
Humility is a characteristic of the soul that prepares us to have faith. Many people praise the virtue of humility and consider it a beautiful jewel; but they themselves do not want to possess it, because it ends with their ego and their pride.
humility makes us great in front of the father, because humility has recognized failures, weaknesses, and allows us to act without pride
Good reflection @williammarin
Humility is the key to lead a Christian life full and full of wisdom, there is no greater power that you feel when you give in and listen without interjecting our will, only let the Lord act and immediately exalt us with his will because we have not imposed our will before others but we have learned to listen and wait for the will of the Lord