SteemChurch - God always takes care of his people.
God always takes care of his people.
God has always been characterized as a God who cares for and defends his own. Whether in sickness to heal us, in pain to take it away, in our business to help us, in the shortage to supply ourselves and even in the battles of life to give us victory.
This is demonstrated in the way God led the people of Israel to the promised land by providing them with their daily basic needs.
When the town reaches the border of the land and after crossing the Jordan River, its first conquest is a well walled city. Joshua prepares to conquer her, but he is presented with a male with a drawn sword in his hand.
As Joshua did not know who he was, he questions him to make sure he was not going to be an enemy. Joshua asks "Are you our own, or our enemies?" The character responds: "No, but as Prince of the army of Jehovah I have come now". Joshua recognizes that this was God Himself and humbles himself and God commands him to remove his shoes. Jesus came to take care of them and tell them what they should do.

- Who received the spies in Jericho? (Joshua 2: 1) A harlot named Rahab in her house.
Who told the king that two men of the children of Israel had arrived at Rahab's house?
- (Joshua 2: 2-3) Some gossip who saw them. Where did Rahab hide the two sons of Israel?
- (Joshua 2: 6) Among the bundles of linen on the roof. What deal did these two men make with Rahab?
- (Joshua 2: 12-14) The one to save her life and her family.
- How did the two Israelites escape? (Joshua 2: 15-16) By means of a rope through the window.
- What sign did you agree to put in order to recognize Rahab's house to safeguard it? (Joshua 2:18) That of tying a cord of scarlet (or red cord) through the window through which they came down.
What did God promise Joshua? (Joshua 1: 9) Who would be with him wherever he went.
What did God promise to those who fear and seek Him? (Psalm 34: 7) That the angel of Jehovah would accompany him
(Psalm 23: 4; 27: 1; 91: 5-6) Take away all kinds of fear
(Isaiah 43: 2-3) Being with us even if we pass through the waters or the fire of life
(Philippians 4:19) To supply all our needs,
(Isaiah 42: 6) Hold and keep us on the path of life,
(James 5: 14-15, Psalm 147: 3) Heal our physical and emotional illnesses.
The Bible says that "all the promises of God are in Him yes, and in Him amen" (2Cor 1:20). This security of fulfillment is because God can not lie (Titus 1: 2; Heb 6:18).
We must, therefore, grab hold of those promises, which are true and true, in our daily life. God has promised to care for those who fear him and seek him out in sickness, in pain, in business, in scarcity and in our daily battles, etc. If God has promised to take care of us in all circumstances of life, then let us have confidence and hope to see His power manifested in our favor.
Be faithful to God and you will see the hand of God in your life, your home and your congregation, etc. However, the promises of God are for those who humble themselves before Him, fear Him and seek Him.
Look for him with all your heart and adorn yourself of those beautiful promises because they are for all that person that creates them and claims them in the name of Jesus.
It's good to know that brother William!
God has promised to care for those who fear him and seek him out in sickness, in pain, in business, in scarcity and in our daily battles, etc. If God has promised to take care of us in all circumstances of life, then let us have confidence and hope to see His power manifested in our favor.