Steemchurch: Judge not, that ye be not judged "(Matthew 7: 1).
(Matthew 7: 1-5) Why do you look at the straw that is in your brother's eye, and you do not see the beam that is in your own eye? Or how shall you say to your brother: Let me remove the speck from your eye, and behold the beam in your eye? Hypocrite! first take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see well to remove the straw from your brother's eye.
What do you think "the beam" means in the question Jesus asked:?
Do you believe that Jesus was referring to such horrendous sins as adultery or murder?
If you had known the crowd Jesus spoke to, you would know that these were not the temptations with which they fought. You see, He was speaking to the Pharisees. "The beam" in his eyes was his attitude toward "the straw" that was in his brother's eye. They were arrogant, proud and hypocritical. God does not want us to become like those religious fanatics who knew nothing of the loving humility of our Lord. May God help us to remove sawdust from our eyes before ever thinking about judging others.

The word that is translated as "to judge", in Greek is: "Krino", which means: distinguish and decide. The Lord wants us to learn to distinguish between good and evil, hoping that we will then decide to do good.
We must all "judge" every day, that is, we must distinguish between good and bad-but not according to our criteria, but according to the measure of God. But what Jesus teaches us is that judgment must begin with oneself.
There is a saying in Spanish that says: "He has no mouth to talk about". This refers to when a person does not have the moral right to judge others on a subject in which they themselves fail. We must first make sure we have the moral solvency to do it. We must also do it thinking of the good of another, with love and mercy, to give him the opportunity to rectify
If there is a need to judge, it should not be to attack or belittle someone, but only with the intention of helping, correcting and encouraging. If that is not the motivation, better not to do it because it would be destructive instead of uplifting. For the rest, at no time should we "condemn", because that faculty only has God.
Next, Jesus warns us that not all people will appreciate the words of judgment, even if they are just. There is no point in correcting someone who does not want to be corrected, or who does not accept God's order. In those cases, Jesus said:
(Matthew 7: 6) Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them, and turn and tear you to pieces.