Take the Bloody Beaten Path to the Mercy Seat

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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Only the blood of Christ can Purge us from "dead works of the flesh" could that sense of dullness in our Christian lives and service come from our lack of knowledge about the bloody beaten path to mercy seat? Trust God's word. You will come alive to Him If you allow the blood of Christ to cut away that old deadness and dullness. When you are inundated with the blood of the lamp, you will finally be like the little bird who esaped bondage and death to break loose and experience true freedom.

   It is time for us to find a place at the bloody altar and identify ourselves with the Lamb of God. It is here that we will renew our experience with Him in prayer. Prayers answered through the blood, it can still destroy plagues, stop demons, and Mark a divine dividing line between the holy and the profane, the repentance and the proud.

  We must put away the plagues created by our murmuring and lethargy, by our unwilling ways and lack of concern.

 It is time to die to self and live in Him; it is time to be baptized in the cleansing blood of Christ and the water of the holy spirit at an old-fashioned altar of prayers. We must journey to the cross and say before the Lord, "I accept all that is of God. I refuse all that is not of God. I put it all under the blood of Jesus Christ. "

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The writer of Hebrews declared:
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.(Hebrews 10:19-22.)
The way of the blood, the path of the cross, is not a dead way. Unlike the churches man has built using the pattern of the law and human whims, the true church is not a way of drudgery and tradition. The Lamb has been slain, the blood was shed, and the "veil" of His flesh was rent.
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We are told that when Jesus died, the veil in the temple was rent or torn to let everyone into the Holiest of Holes. A careful study of the furniture of the tabernacle reveals that it has always been described from the Holiest of Holies outward. Could this be symbolic of God's desire to reach our for humanity, not of humanity reaching for God?

 Perhaps jesus' bloody sacrifice on Calvary was less a was of opening the Holy of Holies to everyone and more a way God saying, "Let Me out of this Little religious box. Let Me get out to where the people are. I am no longer satisfied with th's worship and intimate companionship of only one man one time a year. I am after a people, a kingdom of kings and priests..." Maybe this is why the Book of Revelation says of Jesus Christ the Lamb:

for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.(Rev. 5:9b-10).
Jesus' wonder side is open. Blood and water pour forth and you have an invitation to walk through the wound to the very heart of God.


Thanks for sharing with Us @STEEMCHURCH!



The way of the blood, the path of the cross, is not a dead way.

Yes brother. The blood of Jesus has the capacity to do much more than we can ever imagine. Many feel it's just a myth, but then it has power.

When you are inundated with the blood of the lamp, you will finally be like the little bird who esaped bondage and death to break loose and experience true freedom.

It is said in the Bible that the blood of Jesus Christ has set us free and we're free indeed.

Perhaps jesus' bloody sacrifice on Calvary was less a was of opening the Holy of Holies to everyone and more a way God saying, "Let Me out of this Little religious box. Let Me get out to where the people are. I am no longer satisfied with th's worship and intimate companionship of only one man one time a year. I am after a people, a kingdom of kings and priests..." Maybe this is why the Book of Revelation says of Jesus Christ the Lamb

As I was reading my attention was drawn to one of my favourite scriptures in the bible which is found in Hebrews 4:16 which says: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
We serve a God who is merciful and gracious and if only we can find our way to the throne room we will obtain mercy and grace

We are told that when Jesus died, the veil in the temple was rent or torn to let everyone into the Holiest of Holes. A careful study of the furniture of the tabernacle reveals that it has always been described from the Holiest of Holies outward. Could this be symbolic of God's desire to reach our for humanity, not of humanity reaching for God?

The veil of The Temple was torn when Jesus died because His Death reconciled us back to GOD and we now have direct access to His throne and Presence.

The mercy seat is an object that rested on top of the ark of convenant and was really associated with the day of atonement in the Old Testament, the ark and it's mercy seat represented the presence of the Holy Spirit and the mercy seat was made of pure gold. These are most reason why it's was very important because its like the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The mercy seat is also mentioned in the New Testament. Hebrews 9 discusses the Holy Place that included the Ark and the mercy seat.

Thanks for sharing, God bless you Amen.

for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.(Rev. 5:9b-10).
Jesus' wonder side is open. Blood and water pour forth and you have an invitation to walk through the wound to the very heart of God.

Jesus is the place where God’s mercy meets the madness of our souls and brings us peace, cleans us out and brings us without blemish to converse with Our Father.

When you are submerged with the blood of the light, you will finally take after the little winged creature who esaped bondage and leaving to extricate behind and experience honest to goodness adaptability.

God is merciful to the extent that he will always forgive you your sins when you have done wrong and you bring your self down and beg for forgiveness.
Sinners will never go un punished and that's the reason why we all should Br careful of what we do and hear always because a sin is a sin even when you think that what yiy are doing is just a minor sin or infiniticimal to you .
Fear God always and keep up to all his will and what he wants you to do to avoid his anger which may leed to your destruction