Barrier that separates us from God.

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The apostle Paul felt great joy at knowing that the believers in the church he had founded were growing in faith. He is so happy for them, that he does not even find the right words to thank God.
The apostle had been only a few weeks in Thessalonica, because he was forced to flee from that city, but with his letters he shows the deep love and attachment he had for them. He could not wait to go back with them, to continue where they had interrupted him.
Wanting to have a close communion with God, without seeking to know and sincerely appreciate the people who are part of the same church, is a major obstacle to our personal growth.
The church is not an abstract entity, it is wrong to say "I go to church" because we are the church. All those who belong to Jesus Christ, form his body, form the temple of God, his church. We can not testify of loving Christ with all our heart and, at the same time, appreciate jealousy and rivalry.

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And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second like unto it is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Matthew 22: 37-39
Certainly, the love of God is the most important thing, but because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts, it is manifested by the strength of love, things for others, especially for brothers.
So, the first thing we must do if we want to pray for the church, is to put aside any resentment or resentment that we feel towards the people who are also part of us, because they will be a barrier that will prevent us from communicating with God and receiving his answers.
I totally agree with my brother, God gave each of us gifts and talents, also a special purpose, we should only carry it out under his guidance, there is no worse curse than jealousy and envy, God gives grace to the humble but look from far to haughty, it is a problem of identity, if we know that God is our father, then we know that we carry the blessing and that we have an inheritance.