“How God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38), Our Lord and Savior Jesus was indeed compassionate towards the people and he never turned away from their sorrows neither did he hesitate to stretch forth his hand in help to their plight. In this short study, we are going to be studying some of the wonderful miracles performed by our eternal savior Jesus in Matthew 8 & 9, to be able to gain an understanding on how and why he performed them.
Matthew 8:2-4, 5-13, 14-15.
In this account given by Matthew, we see how Jesus healed the man with leprosy, the centurion’s servant, and peter’s mother inlaw of her sickness. Jesus’ approach to healing was quite simple and straightforward, firstly, he is always willing to heal us and bring us deliverance, and bible says “the thoughts that I think towards you are of good and not of evil, to bring us to an expected end” (Jeremiah 29:11). The case of the man with leprosy is very descriptive of Jesus’ disposition towards those to whom are afflicted, the man knowing who Jesus was (the great healer) called out unto him, saying “Lord if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean”, which leads to a very fundamental understanding of the willingness of Jesus towards our troubles, and he answering in is awesome mercy “stretched forth his hand and said I will be thou clean”. A critical look, and we shall see that Jesus stretched forth his hand in help to the man, even before he made the statement “I will”, all that the Lord really requires from us in this midst of our challenges is faith, bible says “for without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). This miracle therefore show a characteristic of Jesus in his willingness to heal us, without any second thought.

Similarly, with the centurion’s servant, Jesus was approached by the centurion himself; pleading for his help, and immediately he replied “I will come and heal him”, Oh!! What a wonderful savior, ever ready to hear our cry and come to our rescue. Again, on this account Jesus responded to the faith of the centurion, even as his believed in the power and authority that Jesus had to heal his servant without coming to his house and so it was done unto him because of his belief in Jesus.

Finally, with the mother of the wife of Peter who was sick with fever; this account just lays out plainly the awesome power to which had being appropriated to Jesus by the Father, granting him ease and authority over sicknesses and diseases. The fever immediately left as Jesus touched her with his hands. Our God is mighty to save, Hallelujah!

Matthew 9:2-8, 20-22, 27-30.
Here again, we find the Alpha and Omega in his mercy. A man sick of palsy, bible records something very beautiful, says that “and Jesus seeing their faith”, Faith had to be seen, Jesus responds to the faith of the people, Faith opens the heavenly treasure unthinkable. And likewise, the man was healed. The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years, was another account of Jesus’ healing ministry. The woman did something very important that lead to her miracle and we as believers should emulate, she proposed in her heart, which implies she believed and trusted in God that when she touches the hem of his garment. James speaking in James 2:17-18, tells us about faith and works, she had faith in her heart and she appropriated by a step of faith (her action).

The two blind men is the last miracle of Jesus we are going to be looking at in this study, here we see the standard requirement to receive a miracle from the Son of the Living God, which is none other than faith. Jesus asked the two men saying “Do you believe that I am able to this”, which only explains the gravity of faith in receiving from God. And as they complied in agreement to what he has told them, their sights were restored, that is why bible says “in the witness of two or three a thing is established” and “can two walk together except they be one” (Amos 3:3). It can therefore be clearly seen, that all that required from us is faith and trust in God, because he is always willing to meet our every need. He is merciful and Kind, the God of comfort; who comforts us in times of struggle and distress. Hallowed be thy name oh Great King, for you are good and your mercy is forever……Hallelujah!

Believe in Jesus that he is able to solve your every predicament and most assuredly he will..
Jesus miracles teaches of us what he will do in the future. This gives us reason for us to trust him. He really did show his kind deeds while on earth. Thanks for sharing this, shows me what to expect when God's kingdom comes.
All that the Lord requires from us is Absolute Faith and Total Trust in Him, He is willing to meet our every need and comfort and guide us through every distress.
The hand of the Lord is not shortened that he cannot save us from all our plights, but he is ever ready to deliver us from all life's issues. His miracles shows all these.
Upvoted & Resteemed
God sent Jesus to earth to save us from our sins, the miracle of Jesus Christ was shown on earth when delivered people from bondage of the devil, it is indeed a miracle in that all bondage of the people who were tied were freed. The miracle of God from Jesus is still shown on earth through the love of God.
Jesus miracle was so awesome and inspiring to we Christians. It shows us that if he can do it, we can do it. His miracles are just miraculously working in my life
First we gave to understand that the miracle of jesus on earth was not to show off but to let us know that where hr came from their is more from there so that we will be eager to join his crusade.
Every thing you want in life is hidden in christ jesus just connect to him through faith and prayer.
Jesus out of his love for humanity is always show us mercy, this was the reason he died that we might be saved. Also that we may healed from all our sickness and disease.
The miracles of Jesus are the supernatural deeds attributed to Jesus in Christian and Islamic texts. The majority are faith healing, exorcisms, resurrection of the dead and control over nature. In the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, and Luke), Jesus refuses to give a miraculous sign to prove his authority.