Fight like an eagle!

in #steemchurch6 years ago


In the Bible, we often encounter many passages where God our creator makes many comparisons of our walk as Christians and one of them, is with an eagle; God knows the special instinct of this bird, and its powerful qualities so that he can overcome before adversity.

Even the biologists themselves in countless studies, have discovered amazing characteristics and qualities of this wonderful bird in terms of its survival on earth and that is why God makes comparison with regard to Christian life.


An eagle doesn't face a snake on earth. He catches it and puts it in the air and then drops it from above. A snake has no stamina, power or balance in the air. In the air it is vulnerable, useless and weak unlike when it is on earth it is dangerous and powerful.

Don't fight your battles with human tools. Don't fall into the level-down trap. Leave all your troubles to the heights, rise on the wings of the Holy Spirit and let God fight your battles. Only then can you get away with it.

For the weapons of our militia are not carnal, but powerful in God for the destruction of fortresses. 2 Corinthians 10:4

They passed like fast ships; Like the eagle throwing theway over the prey. Job 9:26

But those who wait for the Lord will have new strength; they will raise wings like eagles; they will run, and they will not tire; they will walk, and they will not be fatigued. Isaiah 40:31

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