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RE: Hidden people

in #steemchurch7 years ago

There was interview on the news here one night, someone had called them and wanted to know if the apartment complex they lived in could make them throw out their furniture. Seems the complex had a problem with bedbugs they couldn't control so they mandated everybody throw out their furniture. The news went there and these people were showing them how they'd done everything the complex had asked prior which included wrapping all their furniture in plastic. It just makes you wonder about people who would so complicit as to wrap their couches, chairs and mattresses in plastic and live like that then to know they have people like housing inspectors who they should be calling. You or I'd be like what do you mean wrap everything up in plastic when you should be calling a different exterminator. Then when it doesn't solve the problem they call the news instead of housing inspectors to find out if legally they have a right to demand they throw everything out. So here's the news taping pictures of beaten up old furniture on it's last leg wrapped in plastic and people fighting to keep it. Oh boy, when you think you have it rough it's stuff like that that makes you realize it could be a whole lot worse. Like you said these are normally hidden people who escape our everyday thoughts.


That's incredible!!!! I have never heard of any such thing. Bedbugs - yeah, they happen...but to make you wrap everything in plastic? that's awful! Sad to see people so powerless.

To be realistic there's a chance that not only was the stuff wrapped in plastic but there may actually be bedbugs running around underneath the plastic somewhere. A bedbug that is fully engorged can survive up to eighteen months! I am not sure about smothering them though, I would assume they'd eventually run out of air...