Information For Transformation

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Not every key can open a door. Many Christians have succeeded in taking delivery of only one key, and they want to open 50 other doors with this single key. They are saved, no doubt; but the key that will grant them access into health, abundance and success they don't have.

Every exploit in life is a product of information. You cannot be informed and not be is information that breeds transformation ich in turn leads to inspiration and then culminates in aspiration. When aspiration is pursued, it brings forth transformation. Nothing happens by accident on the earth. The biggest enterprises on the earth all took off from the bits and pieces of information gathered. One of the world's richest men, Richard Branson, attained his height of success from reading a little book titled, "Small is Beautiful". His entire business empire took off with the information he gleaned from that little book. We must, therefore, place value on information, if we don't want to suffer frustrations in life.
It takes information to be free from stagnation and deformation. If you are informed, you will be formed and if you are well informed, you will be well-formed

The amount of information you have on any issue of life will determine your accomplishment in it.

And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth." - Deuteronomy 28: 1
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All that the above scripture means is information. If you will crave after information from the Lord/ and let it bring enough inspiration to ginger aspiration, you will come out on top. You can't enjoy prosperity more than how informed you are about it. Information is the baseline for your tomorrow; whatever you will become tomorrow will be determined by how well informed you are today. Once you have it, you will just smile at every opposition, because yo know better.

Lack of information brings about deformation. So settle down and crave adequate information, which is relevant to your goals in life or which addresses the challenge before you, because you need your own personal knowledge to be free from any kind of destruction the enemy is organizing around you. The reason the disciples called Jesus "Master" was because He had an answer to every question and knew what to do in every situation. He was in control of everything, including the winds and the waves of the sea. Isaiah 11:9 says:
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

When you are filled with the knowledge of the Word of God, you cannot be hurt, resisted or molested. With knowledge, you can have things the way you want them at all times, as long as they are covered in the covenant. The Bible says in 2 Peter 1:4:

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
That means, as you imbibe the precious promises in the Word of God, the divine nature of God is mysteriously infused into you; so that wherever you appear, it is as if God Himself has appeared in that situation. So, the deeper your launch into the Word, the higher your control over the affairs of life.

Enter The Control Room

The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

  • Psalm 119•.130

God has no way of ending your toiling other than through His Word. You can't be in command until the Word is at hand. When the Word gains entrance into your life, it results in putting you in command and in charge of the affairs of life

Many have ideas that are inadequate to handle the challenges they are confronted with. When knowledge and information in a certain area becomes adequate, every door in that particular area will open on its own accord. No matter how many devils seem to be challenging you, light is enough to deal with them, as the entrance of God's Word gives light and understanding to our simple minds. Knowledge will open any door to which it is directed.

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These things saith he that hath the key ofDavid, he that openenth and no man shutteth: and shutteth, and no man openeth. - Revelation 3: 7
Jesus is the One that has the key mentioned above, and who is Jesus? He is the Word of God. The Word of God delivers to you the key of David, and when He opens, no man shuts, and when He shuts no man can open. The devil does not have the final say about the doors of your life. We must all come to the Word of life to take delivery of our keys. The Bible is a book of keys; and the covenant keys it contains are what we refer to as revelation knowledge, divine insights and illumination.
You need to ask the Lord to help you locate from His Word the appropriate keys that deal with the issues of life. The struggles we encounter is because we don't have the appropriate keys.


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Information is the baseline for your tomorrow; whatever you will become tomorrow will be determined by how well informed you are today

God never demands from us but all he need is our sincere worship and our sincere heart for which we are ready to offer him in truth and in spirit.
He had madeys through his mercifully heart and he never demands any thing from us apart from our live and worship to his name and his glorious activities in our lives.
Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .
Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .

What an inspiration from the Holy spirit through you to us this morning "God has no way of ending your toiling other than through His Word. You can't be in command until the Word is at hand. When the Word gains entrance into your life, it results in putting you in command and in charge of the affairs of life"am truly inspired by this section

There is no one who has followed and diligently walk in the path of righteousness and God's path and was placed in harms way because God is a rewarded of those that diligently serve and seek him.
The Bible is a book of keys; and the covenant keys it contains are what we refer to as revelation knowledge, divine insights and illumination.
Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .
Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .
You need to ask the Lord to help you locate from His Word the appropriate keys that deal with the issues of life.

Thanks for sharing this with us, I strongly support you on this "The Word of God delivers to you the key of David, and when He opens, no man shuts, and when He shuts no man can open. The devil does not have the final say about the doors of your life. We must all come to the Word of life to take delivery of our keys. The Bible is a book of keys; and the covenant keys it contains are what we refer to as revelation knowledge, divine insights and illumination.
You need to ask the Lord to help you locate from His Word the appropriate keys that deal with the issues of life. The struggles we encounter is because we don't have the appropriate keys."

In other words I'd really have to say that as much as we know Jesus, knows his message, believe in him and we're sanctified by the blood, it means we totally are informed, and thereby we are transformed

Every exploit in life is a product of information. You cannot be informed and not be is information that breeds transformation ich in turn leads to inspiration and then culminates in aspiration.

very good post, this is very useful for everyone, and can be a very good motivation for everyone. In this life sometimes it happens not like what we want. But all that is determined by God. So most important, whatever we do, we must always be close to God, then God will always give his grace to us in the world and hereafter.... :)

Each endeavor in life is a result of data. You can't be educated and not be is data that breeds change ich thus prompts motivation and afterward comes full circle in yearning.