Within the framework of the activation of the children's dining rooms in Venezuela "Bread From Heaven" and the year-end campaign "Turn on a light" we are promoting through social networks, and making alliances with the leaders of our communities, with the purpose of uniting in a single feeling for the construction of a country.
This time we were present at the opening of Christmas in the city of Lecheria, an act full of magic, light and love, initiated by our Mayor, a man with a beautiful human quality, able to see the talent of our youth and children, a wonderful and very productive night for us, in Venezuela we still have hope, there are people who have that impetuous struggle, of dedication for our values.

We could not miss our philharmonic orchestra, and the great orchestra Boheme, who have accompanied us in other events such as Steemchurch's first meetup.
They delighted us with a beautiful piece: nice Christmas!

Steemchurch Venezuela was very well represented by our young @giacamila777, member of the great orchestra Boheme.

We can never stop supporting our children, in the way they want to fulfill their dreams.
The team of steemchurch Venezuela, in charge for the always active Christmas days, thanks my dolls because they are always ready @jorgelis23, @whaleska, @xioran, they have worked very hard in these last days, the God of heaven will reward them.

One of the moments of the night was the speech of our Mayor Manuel, with his little daughter Eva, where he expressed his desire to work for the municipality and for our country.
I had the opportunity to talk with the mayor, where we exchanged ideas about the work model that we can implement joining efforts, we agreed soon a meeting to promote the use of blockchain technology in the municipality and the implementation of the dining room "Bread From Heaven".The mayor, I express his desire to the interesting proposal, is a man with a lot of vision and desire and willingness to make this country a better place.

This week a special thank you, @sirknight,@pennsif, @fundition for your great support, and Sida Wang, @crypto-talk, founder of Partiko.

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Whatsapp: +584265810831

Matthew 5: 14-16
Thus shine your light before men, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in heaven. neither does a lamp come on and it is placed under a bushel, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
It is time to enlighten the world, as united brothers carrying the love of Jesus!
Time for freedom

Follow @partiko for detailed and updated information.

We mice reckon SteemChurch Venezuela will be a major political power within the next few years - led by the remarkable Lady Darlenys. We can't help but feel a march for freedom in Venezuela has begun.
Sure, the mice saw right. @Sc-v will become a force to reckon with in Venesuela. @Sc-v represent Joseph in the the house of Portiphah and in Pharoah's palace.
Thank you all for your comments and good wishes, one of the things that I have proposed in these times, in which some see it as bad, perhaps because of the low value of cryptocurrencies, here in Venezuela the inflation that does not stop, is unite forces, implement strategies, remind me when God spoke to the kings who were going to battle against Moab, and told them: dig trenches and build ponds, because you will not see wind, nor see rain, but these will be full of water. That word spoke the Lord to my heart: be faithful in the little, work with excellence, for when the rain falls the terrain is ready!
My beloved brothers of Venezuela, we are preparing the ground, sowing to collect the greatest fruits of history. We do not know how, but the greatest revival comes, and we will be the protagonists!
Recover animo, expand your territories, because we will inherit nations !.
And I hear a great rain!
God is our hope ..
Most of the time you leave me without arguments @darlenys01, your leadership is surprising, the way you do things, the revelation of the word and how God uses you to bless the lives of many.
That word @darlenys01, you have just given us away for good God is good and has endowed you with grace and wisdom to fulfill his purpose, you have always told me, Mariela: the world is tired of dead words, that do not change anyone's life, the word that produces change is the living and effective that is revealed by the spirit, and tonight, you have narrated me with this prophetic word for Venezuela.
How beautiful darlenys, we will see the glory of God, do not stop Debora, receive strength from above to carry out this divine mission. God is with you and takes you from his hand to conquer cities.
Thank you @darlenys01 for teaching us that God who does so many wonders and that until yesterday was just one more of history, thank you for introducing me to Jesus!
Thanks for this @darlenys01, you make me regain strength!
Many thanks to you my dear Sis. Darlenys01 for your love and compassion for these children.
God bless sc-v who is always working for this platform and venezuela
very good job congratulations, good to support children and young people with talent God bless sc-v
Dios la bendiga hermana.
Work directed by the spirit, we are seeing the fruits and as soon as this begins.thanks @darlenys01.
Congratulations @sc-v, and a @darlenys01, great work. As you always say God works every day and his work is unstoppable, it is the same that will open the doors to fulfill what he said he would do.
It is excellent @darlenys01 the work that you are doing promoting the blockchain technology and especially the work of God as "Bread From Heaven", example to follow.
Blessings, sister, how beautiful is that event, God bless Venezuela.