Steemchurch: Freedom introduces you into your Blessing
Text: Luke 18: 1-8
This is a time in which God is leading us as a Church to live above all conflict and adversity. He knows by the things that you and I pass every day, that is why today he will give us the resources to live and conquer all the promises, Inner freedom is the best thing that can happen to a human being.
- There is nothing worse than having the prison within oneself.
a) There are Christians who worry about nonsense and forgot about God's purpose to be influential people in their land, to govern and to be head. The Lord will awaken you. Put a leadership in you, you will be head and not tail, you will reach the dreams of your heart and the next years will be the best. You will take advantage of every minute for God, you will walk with your head held high knowing that the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Christ have sealed you forever.
b) We believe that David wrote the psalms next to the green sheep and pastures, but it is not so, most were written adoring God, on top of a horse, with a sword in hand, ruling, God will give you a message, a word, an adoration, a prayer, not as an end in itself, but to release the leader's potential.
c) Awakening to the earth that belongs to your children and no one can against you, everything that touches the soles of your feet will give it to you as an inheritance, you will discover that you are like eagles, you will fly over the problems and you will land on top of the success, because with God you never lose, with God you always win.
d) The Bible says: We will go from glory to glory, but, to take you to the glory of the future that is greater, you must learn to enjoy the present glory, you now: This is the day that the Lord did, I will rejoice and rejoice in he. Enjoy the present without condemnation, without guilt, without traumas.
e) The persevering faith, will activate your moment. The widow of the text, had no children, had cheated and went to a judge who did not give importance, was not attached to any internal prison, or victimized, activated his persevering faith and told the unjust judge: Do me justice. The unjust judge symbolizes Satan who, for a time, did not hear it but then heard it.

f) Satan robbed your children, sent you poverty, shed illness, but for a time, you lived with depression, you walked in disaster, but for a time, the time of defeat was over; the enemy will no longer be able to do what he wants, God is raising an active people that will persevere in his Faith and will walk to reach the promises of God.
g) I decided to activate the obsessive faith, like this woman, persevere and break the spine to the enemy who will let you loose by decreeing the Word and the blood of Christ against him, persevering faith, connects you with others and promotes you, the bible says: Jesus grew in grace with God and with men. God will do something in your life in two ways: for Himself and for the people.
h) Someone will be listening, seeing your attitude, observing your mature reactions in the face of crises and will promote you even if you do not want to, anointing is not coming to a meeting, your skin prickles and you roll through the temple (although all experience is welcome) ), but the perseverance to solve any obstacle, I will not stop until I see my dream fulfilled and reach the promises that the Father has given me.

i) You have to know how to ask. Ask without disqualifying, there are people who never ask for anything and, when they do, they explode for what they swallowed for a long time, you have to learn to ask, ask with wisdom: I would like, I need if possible. The Bible says: Ask and it will be given to you. Asking to be clear, as if you expected to receive, when Jesus ministered, he said: What do you want me to do? He did not say: What's wrong with you? Ask without aggression, looking for the best moment.
j) Many times we are not wise to ask, we ask what is fair, but we do it when the other is tired, angry or when we are wrong, at the wrong time, we have to ask with kindness, clarity, waiting for the best moment, we must project Faith in others.
k) Someone said: When I treat the person for what he is, I do it worse than it is; but if I treat it as it could potentially be, I turn it into what it should be, treat people as professionals, believe in their capacity, overflowing with golden ideas, full of God's potential, and He will bless you, and this widow knew Ask at the right time.
- Perseverance will activate the answer
a) You must be constant. The judge said: If I leave it, it will exhaust my patience. He knew it was predictable, constant, many people do not reach their dreams because they are inconstant, one day they say: Do me justice and the next: It does not matter, God will provide, one day they want something and the next thing is bipolar, one day they greet and the other does not.
b) Predictable is not being rigid but constant character, the judge released the justice held because he said: This woman is constant, has a goal and will not change it for nothing. The other thing is that you must motivate yourself with short revelations. Every day an inspired revelation will motivate me, Solomon was the most prosperous king in history and was motivated with short phrases.
c) The Proverbs are short phrases, governed a town for forty years, led them to peace and prosperity with short phrases of revelation, today's advertising applies this concept, short sentences, society knows that short, short, specific, It is motivating and this concept was already in the Bible from before.
d) Solomon said: There are men whose words are like the stroke of the sword, but the tongue of the wise is medicine. Paul prayed for the Philippians, for the Ephesians, thus: Father, open the eyes of his understanding so that your Word may shine on you. Get up every day with a phrase from God, repeat it all day and you will learn to automate yourself, you are a child of God who establishes the truth in his environment.
e) Nothing can stop you. If you work in a place you do not like, do not settle! If it is not your vocation, it is not God's purpose; why do not make it your permanent place, where you are today, there is a springboard, a process, because God wants you to be in the place where you release your potential, win and be well.
f) The widow did not lower her Standard, she asked for total justice, your standard is that you are prosperous in all areas and everything you do goes well, when the apostles left the upper room it was to give a revival and release the anointing to all , that is why everything you do today will have an influence on your people, your land, and your present and future time.
g) We will rise up against hell. The reason for this parable was not justice, but the widow discovered her true nature of conqueror, everything that happens to us spiritually is to emerge, awaken and stop wasting time as in the stories, awakening the leader, the conqueror, to the authority that God gave us, and that is within us.
h) Repeat: It does not matter that I am a widow, that I am alone, that society is against me, that I have been deceived, the time of the enemy is over, now there will be a blessing in my life. It is the time of the church, all those who underestimated you will be humbled before your eyes.
i) The devil cheated you because he considered you alone, poor, bad, but he will be humiliated before your eyes, Jesus said: If you break the spine to the devil it will take a little more time but while that happens everything you ask to the Father, he will give it to you in divine speed. A person who is free inwardly is immovable from what God promised him.
j) The widow was a free woman because she did not move from the promise of God; he knew that, although divine justice was delayed, that did not mean that God was approving the unjust judge, and with his persevering faith, he stayed in the sleep of his heart until the devil had to give in and leave, God will raise an immovable church , of firm people who will know where they are going, because this is the time of blessing.
- How do you enter the full Blessing?
a) If the word promised you, and if you are not willing to do so, it will never become effective, if the word promised you land and people, you will have to cross the kingdom of darkness to go where God has promised you, that is, you will have to Moving to the other side will be a mandatory step, and you will always notice this in the Bible.
b) What happens is that no one likes to go through difficult situations, but Gethsemane was for Jesus a place of confrontation and darkness, and for the disciples a place to sleep, teaching: if you are going to spend the darkness many of your comrades will stay asleep and they will not know the hell you are going through.
c) Darkness in our lives is when everything in us is tested, shaken, Satan asks to shake you, because there is a time where if you say that you are a man or woman of anointing, God will let the devil shake you to know if the cloak It really is about you.
d) And in the midst of the deepest darkness what will sustain you in your life, 1st Faith in the middle of the test (shout it) because Faith is not in the feelings, Faith is in your spirit, in the word revealed that came to your life, what is going to sustain you? it is FAITH, and FE tells you to resist, because you are one step away from achieving it.
e) FAITH tells you the valley of shadows is being left behind, and then there will be a table abundant in the presence of all the anguishes, if there is a valley of shadows, it is because there is a table that is waiting for you, raise your life today because there is a a rich table waiting for you, and good and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.
f) You can say after this, certainly the good and mercy of the Lord will follow me all the days of my life and in the house of Jehovah I will DWELL for long days, because I have just crossed the darkness, and I am in front of my table, 2 ° Persist in the middle of the test, you may not want to do anything, the enemy will tell you: it's not worth it, you'll hear the devil say, you're finished and you'll feel more lonely than ever.
g) But son-daughter, today I tell you from the Lord, get up again and take a step forward because you will reach the other side, you will leave behind the darkness and you will see that a new sun of justice is being born for you, it is possible You feel that you are hurt but you walk the same way because your day is coming.
h) The Bible says: At night the weeping will last, but in the morning the joy will come, I will persist in the middle of the conflict, I will live a new journey of glory, and finally you will know that I will succeed in every dark night, I will not be but your toy, nor your victim, I will rise and put an end to everything you do.
i) 3 ° It will help you to enter into a new intimacy with the Lord, when you do not know what else to do, when all your environment is hostile, when you do not know how to pray, and what little you try is failed, seek God in your privacy God does not know about relationship, but he does know intimacy with a broken and humiliated heart that seeks him out.
j) Begin to seek God even in the midst of your darkness and your trial, seek God even if the enemy whispers to you that there is nothing more to be done, seek God because He has still reserved for you the best visitation of his presence, and the search will open a path further, but begins to intimate with Him today.
k) (Say) I am in victory /// devil I am in victory and still standing, you have not been able to turn around, I am still whole and with more faith than ever, if I fell but I got up again, and I go to my best time with God, He is waiting for me with abundances of blessing on me.
Beautiful message of encouragement @ ricci01, in Steemchurch we are pleased to read this powerful message that impels us to increase our Faith. Without any doubt, to which the son of man frees that will be truly free.
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Freedom in Christ is not subject to the law, nor to the flesh, but is directed by the Spirit of God and, "where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom"
The freedom that Christ has given us has broken the chains of sin and its consequences, and that freedom manifests itself in another way to which the world and the flesh conceive it. This is without a doubt the true freedom, that there is no law for her, nor is it subject to any consequence, because Christ took charge, he was responsible, for all of us.
Jesus Christ paid the price on calvary and set us free,with freedom we become blessed.every Christian should claim his or her blessing by claiming freedom
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