The Mercy
When we speak of mercy, it refers to the manifestation of love, to the grace and compassion that God has and manifests towards man, because the Bible says that we are sinners. King David, in his Psalm 136, could have listed all the wonders of God and those that are covered in the only reason why God had to execute them. ''BECAUSE FOREVER IS HIS MERCY'' But he repeats it 26 times because all we have is what we have, we owe it to the infinite mercy of God.
The mercies of God are new to all, never decay and never depart from us, they are a gift from God for all mankind, and as the sign of what we have to sell every morning in the bad and good times, and we know that descends to earth to water and germinate the good seed and the seed of the mother who is immersed in it. In the same way that we also have God, we should not respect people and show mercy towards our neighbor.
a.- The mercy of God is great. Psalm 103: 8.
b.- They are many. Psalm 119: 64, Daniel 9:18.
c.- It is for everyone. Psalm 23: 6, Titus 3: 5, James 5:11.
The Bible teaches us that we should have mercy on our companions. This is a quality that Christians should cultivate.
a.-* You should never leave us. Proverbs 3: 3*.
b.-* It is necessary to correct the bad. Proverbs 16: 6*.
c.- God the demand of us. Micah 6: 8.
d.- His practice does good to the soul. Proverbs 11:17.
Mercy is better than sacrifices, so we must be imitators of our God, as true children of him, that Christ said: "Be perfect as the father who is in heaven is perfect." Children inherit the qualities of parents, therefore, as children of God, they also have to practice their virtues and one of them is mercy, and they can always read his words "Mercy I want and not sacrifice".
