Be an Intimate of God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

While Jesus was on Earth he revealed the I Am. He said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me". Jesus also said "I am the vine and you are the branches"; He also said "I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." Jesus declared: "I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never be hungry and he who believes in me will never thirst." Jesus also said "I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." What does "I am" mean? It means one who does not need anything or anyone to exist; the one that exists by itself.


A man had the relief of the I am, his name is Moses. Who was Moses? He spent years as a prince in the court of Pharaoh. There he learned the culture of Egypt, an arrogant and self-sufficient culture; Moses was not anything, he was a man studied and knowledgeable. However, none of that had changed his life until he had an encounter with the I am.

"The intimate communion of God is for those who fear Him and to them He will make known His covenant." Psalm 25:14

The intimacy of God is available to him who approaches with love and fears him with all his heart. The key is to fear the Lord and that fear is not about fear but about loving what He loves and hating what He hates (Pv 8:13).

An intimate of God is one who has unlimited access to their friendship. Someone who does not need intermediaries but who approaches with confidence to see with their own eyes and listen with their own ears. Know how is the sound of His voice, enjoy the warmth of His embrace, walk under the light of His smile, not worship an idol but a person who has eyes and sees; He has heard and hears, he has hands and touches, he has a heart and he feels. A God that is related.

Having communion means that he has things in common, knows the secrets kept and discovers hidden treasures (Is.45: 3), knows what he likes and does what he wants. Walk confidently, free from the system and the current of the world, because you know what is to come and you have the security of who you are going with step by step.

How can an intimate of God affect a Nation?

God never loses control and from generation to generation he always has a remnant to carry out his eternal plans. A remnant is a group of people who have not lost the essence and purpose for which they were established.

For emergencies and solutions God always looks for his intimates, as well as each one of us, in times of need we look for help with the ones we trust the most. God looks for ears that pay attention, hearts willing to live according to what they really believe.

We are living in times of global crisis, where the systems (political, economic and even religious) are collapsing and the whole world is filled with questions, the intimate will have the answers because they will hear from the source of all things.

· When nobody knows how to govern and make decisions they will look for the experts (we are kings and priests, programmed to reign).

· When financial resources and even raw materials such as oil, water and etc. are lacking The earth will seek new sources of resources (we will discover hidden treasures, the wealth of the unjust will pass to the righteous).

· When religions no longer have more power to satiate the body, soul and spirit of the human being. All will hunger and thirst for justice (we have the right to live in the supernatural, the Kingdom of God is power).

He spent in the generation of Joseph, the Father found him and processed him to reign on earth. The only thing that Joseph had was his intimacy with the Lord that unleashed gifts of revelation, interpretation of dreams and even discernment of spirits. When Egypt (the world power of the time) needed answers he sought an intimate of God.

It happened with Daniel who had a superior spirit, the result of intimacy. He was the counselor of the greatest empire of antiquity for three consecutive generations, because he had solutions from God to govern with wisdom.

In this generation, the same will happen with those who grow in friendship with the Beloved. With a Kingdom mentality, we understand that the original purpose of the human being is Intimacy and Government. It's time to manifest as children, the God who sees us in secret will reward us in public.

"The nations will walk in your light ..." Is. 60: 3

God does not respect people, the call is also for you. If the fire has parted in you today it will revive. If you have never experienced it, just believe and look for it, take the step, make the decision and you will be full. It is natural for our flesh, our body, to be slow and lazy to seek God, but if you overcome that and seek it with your heart, the fire of God will accompany you wherever you go.

Fan the fire Lord, fan the fire in me Lord!


The Lord loves his children, but with the intimates he gives them revelation so that they can walk under his perfect will and fulfill the purpose.

Behold, you love truth in the inmost…".

  • Ps. 51: 6.

Human life unfolds in two very different spheres. One is the private sphere, and the other, the public or social. This double dimension of our lives tends to have some points of encounter and, surely, many of disagreement; that is, we are not in private the same as in public. That is why we must know God intimately so that his divine nature can be revealed.

The same Lord Jesus Christ declares that his followers were his friends.
John 15:14 You are my friends, if you do what I command you.
15:15 I will no longer call you servants, because the servant does not know what his lord does; but I have called you friends, because all the things that I heard from my Father, I have made known to you.

In intimacy with our God we can discover secrets that only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us from the heart of God, thank you for your teaching. God bless you

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