Proverbs 17:22 says "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones. The world we live in today is filled with depressed people. People who let the circumstances around them determine their mood! Depression comes via different vices; lack of finance, health challenge, family issues e.t.c. Jesus Christ while teaching one day asked; "How many of you can add a single strand of hair to your head as a result of thinking or worrying?" Happiness cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a peaceful mind.jpg) Being contempt is the first step to happiness. Not saying that you shouldnt want more out of life but we need to learn to be contempt with what we have while trusting God and working hard for an improvement. Isaiah 26:3 says "You will keep him in perfect peace he whose mind id stayed on you because he trusts in you. Success is not the key to happiness but happiness is the key to successs. If you love love what you are doing you will be successfull. You can be happy where you are only if you have the right mindset about things. True happiness is... to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future. Do not let the circumstances around you determine your mood. Make a decision today to be happy regardless of what is happening around you! The Bible says... with joy thou shall draw blessings from the well of salvation! God does not dwell in a moody environment! Enter into His presence with joy! and thanksgiving! You want to enjoy peace and divine intervention in a world of anxiety and depression? I dare you to be happy no matter what and see the blessedness of it all!! Remember, you can be happy where you are and happiness that comes from material things cannot last because once those things are gone or become obsolete so will your happiness. But happiness originating from a heart of contentment endures forever more!
Happiness cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a peaceful mind. The message here is straight. God bless you for posting.
Please sir, try as much as possible to work on your spacing and also take a look and the markdowns for posting so you can have a better arrangement.
God bless you