Before Jesus left the earth He said to His disciples go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost.
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you even unto the end of the world. ( Matt 28:19-20)
Evangelism Is not for the pastors alone! Evangelism is a task for all Christians everywhere!
Evangelism is simply preaching the gospel of Christ by the help of The Holy Spirit. Remembering Acts of the apostle, not until the Spirit came upon the apostles the couldn't preach the gospel.
Evangelism should be our way of life! Preaching the gospel of Christ should become a priority for all cheistians.not just preaching it but also letting the world see Christ in us, in our day to day activities and our lives in general.
Reaching the lost with the gospel of Christ is of the utmost importance. Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me. It is imperative that Christians be an evangelical people! The souls of the lost are in the balance, they are lost without Jesus!. If we dont preach it how will they hear about Jesus?
Evangelism may seem tasking but the truth is the reward is over- whelming . Serving God pays and it pays the most! The God we serve is not a user of men but He is rewarder! He said on His Word(Job) that he that winneth a soul is wise. The next soul you bring to church may just be the one God wants to use to bless you! So keep on preaching the word, keep on reaching out to the lost with the truth of gospel!
The gospel must be preached through out the face of the earth and it's your duty and mine to carry it that far.
When the apostles came back from preaching Jesus asked them, Lack ye anything? And they answered no. I dare you to enlist in the end time army of Christ today and see God bless you beyond measure. Ask God for grace and zeal to engage tirelessly and He will give you zeal and utterance. See y'all at the top. Much love!
Your post really has a lot of importance. Thank you very much for your post.