God's unconditional Love is still trending
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Many persons today feel neglected to be specific non-christians,they feel they have fallen out of God's love or they have missed it somewhere probably because of the lifestyle which they practice. The sole reason is because they are not aware that God's love is unconditional,HIS love is overwhelming or permit me to convey it has no limits or boundaries irrespective of what you have done,doing that is not right.
The Bible makes us to understand 'that he loved us first not because we loved him'. HIS love is perfect even in your sins or what can be termed your unfaithfulness,He does not hate you but rather he hates those things you are doing that doesn't glorify HIM which is sin.To be rephrased 'God hates sin and not the sinner'
Isaiah 1:18'Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.This scripture clearly connotes that despite the differences between God and mankind he still loves us,he wants a cordial relationship between Himself and us,so brethren God's love is dimensionless His love is extremely accommodating. I end with this God sees that young man drinking and smoking and He is saying son I still love you come and be with me and it's going to be like nothing ever happened.

Beloved we all at one time have heard about how God gave his son for mankind to die, that shows the indepth love God has for you and I,so accepting that love is believing in his son's death which brings us to the path of faith then salvation.
God's love reasoned out by mere human understanding entails a reckless abandon but once again I would say it clearly implies God's trending love for you so know this by faith in God which is believing in his son's through grace which is God's Trending love you are saved which is being in a cordial relationship with God.
These are some gains of responding to God's call:HE will always provide your needs,protect you with or without your knowledge,upgrade your status,material possessions,name it countless number of benefits if you simply just obey His call.
Thanks for contributing to SteemChurch. We need to appreciate God's unconditional love for us with our actions. It's one thing to say we appreciate him and another thing to act that way.
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God's love is evident in the way he cares for us. Fine explanation of the term unconditional. God's love is undeserved, but because of the ransom sacrifice it is made possible. Thanks for sharing.
God love us more than anyone we need to show our love too ... God is waiting for us to show what we really feel about God
This part summerized it all "These are some gains of responding to God's call:HE will always provide your needs,protect you with or without your knowledge,upgrade your status,material possessions,name it countless number of benefits if you simply just obey His call"
People sometimes believe that they are beyond reckoning and there sins are simply unforgivable, the thing they don't know is that Jesus Christ had already paid that ransom and all they need is just to go down on their knees and ask for God unflinching grace and he will grant them redemption.
God's love is unconditional, nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us.Such love is beyond our ability to grasp with our minds, but it is not beyond our ability to experience with our hearts.. Thanks
He will always shower us with love so far we do his will always provide your needs,protect you with or without your knowledge,upgrade your status,material possessions,name it countless number of benefits if you simply just obey His call.
What do you think is the greatest live someone we have for you than to give you his life for the sake of your sin.
His word is always a great manifestation in our lives , his word us the only good fruit which will always grow deep in our heart and soul.
When you give your life to christ, you're born again in christ you life remain spritully stable.
When we talk of an infact your mind will definiately be directed towards serving the living God.
Gid has given us power to live in him , believe in him and make God live in him .
The kingdom of God us mearnt for the young ones , that's those who accept christ and are born again in him.
He is able to cleance your sin for the sake of hi love
"All things are working for my good"
"His unchanging, He never fails me"
With God's love, you can and will achieve!
"All things are working for my good"
"His unchanging, He never fails me"
With God's love, you can and will achieve!