Casting the devil out of your family

"because (Jesus) said to her: salt of the man, unclean spirit"
The response of Jesus the man who lived in the tombs was tell him the unclean spirit that it dwelt in it. "Get out" (Mark 5:8). This was a good man who had an evil spirit within him, the evil spirit must be cast out of it, the power of the spirit should be broken in your life.
When Jesus rebuked the devil in this man's life, the devil began to cry out in a loud voice, and who begged didn't have to do with out of the man, but with having to leave the "neighborhood". It is as if he were saying to Jesus, "I have been assigned to this territory, not make me to leave my post."
The enemy may not want to be free. But if it will matter to be thrown outside your family. He can say, "if I can not have you, at least let me have your son". The devil will do the best to cause a division between you and your child so that it can not communicate and he comes to the conclusion that does not love him.
The devil can say, "well, if I cannot have you, let me be your brother, your cousin, your neighbor". He wants to be in your neighborhood.
You answer to your request must always be not!
Yell. Do not give you a centimeter. Not having your child, not to have your daughter, not to have your brother or your sister, not to have your neighborhood. Say it out loud.
There was so much demonic power in this man that when Jesus ordered him out, took them to send a complete herd of pigs. They broke their natural instinct and despeñaron sea.
If spirit can not have you, you tried to do it with your family. Do not allow it.
It claims to your spouse, your children, your brothers and sisters,
Your nieces and nephews, cousins, and your grandchildren for God
The authority of Jesus is still valid, even the demons are under the feet of Christ. Good message @peraza82
You can't cast the devil out of your family unless they're actually possessed.