Who Is Jesus To You?......................@Steemchurch

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Hello to all steem church parishioners and welcome to an all important topic which I have tagged "Who Is Jesus To You?......................@Steemchurch". Why have I decided to talk about this; It is because I have seen and am still seeing a lot of people who call theirselves Christians who are not still yet aware of who Jesus is to them. It will be a wast of your total time if you have not come to the knowledge of who Christ is to you.

When Jesus began His ministry, He went in search of the disciples or apostles as you may call them and at a point after finding them, He had to ask who they taught He was . That story can be found in Mathew 16 vs 15-18

15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Of course, you have seen from the passage here that Peter was the only one among them to be able to decipher who Christ was to them or men. He did say that Jesus is Christ and the son of the only ever living God we have. That's correct. But narrowing it down to today's Christians, there is still a high possiblity that so may people who profess Jesus have not completely come to the Understanding of their saviour.

Some people may say that He is a provider to them while others will say He is a deliverer. For some, they may say He is a Healer and others will say He is the one who gives a life of purpose to them and give their life a meaning. But to me, I know Jesus Christ is all of these and everything to me. Once you come to the realization of who Jesus is, life becomes very meaningful for you.

So as children of God, what is expected of us? It is simply to know God and seek His face continually day and Night. He is the reason why you are breathing, He is the reason why you can even eat, He is the reason for the day and the night, He has everything in His power. He empowers us for signs and wonders. Therefore, we should as a matter of importance take refuge in Christ and show faith towards His promises for us. The book of John 1 vs 12-13 says;

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

The passage above has made it clear that we are His sons and daughters because we know Him. The greatest gift or thing that can happen to anyone is having faith in Christ Jesus and coming to the Knowledge of His saving power. Therefore, if you are here and you have not yet given your life to the Jesus. it doesn't take much. You don't need to spend a dime. Just simply confess His words and believe in the power of His resurrection and that will do.

Only those who have given their lives to God can enjoy the full benefits of Being His children. Please make a decision today and join the army of Christ. And for us that have already given all to Jesus, simply try and convince others to join this army.

Thanks For Reading



Yea, Jesus is the promised Messiah who has come to liberate the world from oppression

Thanks for sharing this piece



Jesus to me is my everything. My all in all. The reason I live! The one for me! Why should I fear when I have Him? Surrounded by His love...His everlasting love.

Jesus is my Lord, Savior and King. I am nothing without Him. I have assurance in Him.

Christ is the only son of God who gave up all he has to die for our sake and to die so that we may be saved.
His death in the cross had given us salvation and it is left for us to make h our Lord and our savour by accepting that he really died for us.
Not just that but also believing and doing what he said in the bible and doing what he said we should be doing.
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Jesus to me is the all in all, a pure man without sin [who] cannot sin. He is someone to look up to, he is the real hero. … I think Jesus was sent down from God, which means Jesus is God’s son.

Jesus asked his disciples this specific question, who does men say I am? And according to Simon Peter, he specifically stated Jesus according to how he's seen and envisaged him.

In a nutshell Jesus is really a whole lot depending on how he's affected our lives, to me, he's a redeemer, a baptizer and a healer.

Amazing message apostle OS

Jesus Christ is our saviour. Salvation through Christ brought about total liberation and total redemption and restoration from the old covenant.
The more we know Him the more He proofs Himself great in our lives.

He came to break the limitation between us and God and grant us access to have direct with God

You are very correct at @owoblow-steemit, remember what the bible said that not all those that call me blessed are the true son's and daugther's of christ. Well done for this peice of adivce.

Yea,this is so true,alot of believers don't know who Christ is,he is the saviour of the world,he is lord and God in himself,he is the word,the bread of life ,John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God. 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Who was Jesus Christ to me? What a packed question. … In the Mennonite faith he’s the one that we attempt to model ourselves after, follow his teachings and those of his disciples. Jesus is my Savior. If it wasn’t for God’s ultimate sacrifice of his son, we would not be forgiven. Also I know that I am protected and can do anything because I have accepted Jesus into my heart.