Sirknight Is Blessed To Be A Blessing | 5 Intelligent Reasons Why God Blesses Us

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Sirknight Is Blessed To Be A Blessing

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Hello to all steemchurch parishioners and welcome to today's topic which I have titled "Sirknight Is Blessed To Be A Blessing | 5 Intelligent Reasons Why God Blesses Us. This has become very important because I have seen many believers in the world go astray when God entrusts wealth into their hands. But of course I am exceptionally glad we have people who God has given the mandate to ease sufferring and serve as a source of enormous blessing to other individuals. One of such great gem is @Sirknight.

Currently, we dont need a sooth sayer to give anyone statistics that Steemchurch is one of the most interactive and busy communities on steemit. If you take a census of 10 steemians, I dont think it is possible to see any among the ten who has not come in contact with Steemchurch. It's almost not possible.

Sirknight created the most interactive community on steemit and He is not just stopping there, He has come up with so many innitiatives to help individuals both online and offline. The most recent one is the steemchurch @farms. Sirknight has changed the life of a lot of people right here in steemit and has certianly fufilled the dreams of so many others. Well the purpose of this post is not to necessarily blow his trumpet but to acknowledge the fact that when God blesses us, He does it for a reason.

Take for example a cup of water filled to the brim; You will agree with me that the cup can no longer accept any quantity of water right? Yea, it will start overflowing. But imagine another cup that gives and keeps giving, it will definitely have and create enough room to accomodate more water. That's how the blessing of God is. When God blesses a man, He expects that individual to serve as a source of blessing others.

If you have been on the @celestial challenge tag , then the @steemchurch tag, then the @farms , you will discover how little am speaking of this great Knights influence on the blockchain. He is humble (you can always access him) no matter who you are, he is a giver......Yea he assists you in every possible way without expecting nothing from you provided he sees that you've got the potential. What could be more than that?

A lot of people are right here on steemit with the same wealth Sirknight has but are not doing same. Now you may want to ask why this is so?. It's quite simple to understand that giving is great show of love. Some people have and just want to keep having while some other people have and all that they think of is others (that's the direction God wants everyone of us to take) and that's the direction Sirknight is taking.

God expects of us to be the light that shines to every corner of the earth spiritually, morally, financially and otherwise. If you truly sat down to read this post, then you can understand why it is important to take out time to prayer for this Great Knight and his family.

Therefore, because I understand that alot of people misunderstand why God even blesses them in the firt place, I have decided to give you 5 inteeligent and solid reasons why God blesses so that you won't say you don't know. Having said much lets head to those five reasons.

5 Intelligent Reasons Why God Blesses Us

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The following are the 5 reasons why God blesses His children. Please note that this list is not limited to this five as there are absolutely many other reasons, but do sit back and enjoy these.

Firstly, God blesses His children to demonstrate His outmost love for us. Have you evry noticed that if you love someone, it is difficult not to do everything within your power to help that person??. Just see the love of a father towards their children. I have seen parents crying because there hands where so tight that they couldn't pay the tuition fees of the children. That's what love is about. It is pretty difficult to withhold that which you have from whom you love. That's what the love of God is about. If you have and have in abundance, just know that it is the love of God that is reflecting in your life and it is only normal that you reflect that love to other people around you.

Sometimes, a bigger door you have been praying to God to open is just a little act of Giving that God wants you to partake in. Therefore we should undertand that the reason why God gives us is because He loves us. Me I have never seen a rich man having so much abundance and His children wearing filthy rags. Its impossible. God freely gives to us because of the immense love He has for us. See John 3 vs 16;

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

When you settle to digest that passage, you will discover that God gave His son because of love and of course thsi shows that love is the driving force of giving.

Secondly, another reason why God blesses us is to fufil thr promise He has made to our fore fathers long time ago to establish us on earth. It should not suprise you to know that we are still tapping from that promise. The book of Deutronomy 8 vs 18 says that;

But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

You see what God gave Isaac just like @Sirknight and the steemchurch parishioners right now. God has blessed us beyond measures and we are exoected of course to be prosperous in eveythting we put our hands into because God has already made His promise and it shall not return to Him void. Therefore, you should understand that God's only desire is to see that His promise comes to fulfillment in each of our lives.

Thridly, another very intelligent and vital reason why God blesses us is to advance His kingdom here on earth. What better way and place is there to do it than blockchain right now....hahahah. That's the joy of freedom. God is not happy wehn we neglect the responsibilities He has given us. He wants us to completely obey His orders and follow His commands. The book of Haggai 1 vs 4-10 says;

Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?”
5 Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.
6 You have planted much but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.”
7 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.
8 Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build my house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored,” says the Lord.
9 “You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?” declares the Lord Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house.
10 Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops.

From the passage, God wants us to build His house so that he can inhabit it. So what are waiting for?.....Go and be a blessing to men and form a team that can build Gods house and change the lukewarm mindsets of individuals.

Fourthly, another reason why God blesses His children is for Him to take Glory in it. Like I have earlier said, Gods plans for His children is that of Good and not of evil. God wants every of His children to prosper and who does He use, He uses people to bless us. Just as we have @Sirknight right here on the blockchain changing lives and chamging mindsets. The reason why you should be weathly is so that You can bless others.

We are light right?... Yes we are. Imagine a man wearing torn rags and preaching to you that you are not prosperous and showing you how to be prosperous. Somehow right?... yea. So what is Gods plan exactly?. Gods plan exactly is to bless you beyond human imagination so that those unbelievers will hear of the mighty things God has wrought in your life and begin to ask different questions.

When you eventually tell them the source of your blessing, this will make them to run to God. That's Gods plan. Its for Him to bless you and for Him to receive all the glory.

Lastly, I saved the best for the last, because the major reason why God blesses you is to be a blessing. This is the drill. Giver never lack at all. The more you give, the more God blesses you. I have narrated a story before when I bought a footwear for someone who had no money to buy and The next day, I got avery good shoe from my uncle. This things are real. The more we give to others the more you open up and fatten your bank account in heaven. God showers you with love (financial blessings) and abundance when we engage in the act of blessing others.

This is what @Sirknight has been doing and I just want us all to take out sometime to Thanks God for His life and pray for more strenght to carry on the good job He has begun.

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In Dedication to @Sirknight


We mice reckon the Knight we be really flattered with this post Brother Owoblow-Steemit. However, we also reckon he will be upset that you cut off his angel wings and gave him devil red eyes.

Oh well, as we mice say, 'variety is the spice of life.'

Oops !!!!

Really never noticed that

My bad

Changing it right away

Thanks @sniff and scurry


What can I say? From #celestialchallenge to #steemchurch to the various simplification of scs all over the world you're right OS @sirknight has founded one of the fastest growing initiative on the platforms that has morally, physically and financially blessed a lot of people and United people from various walks of life.

We're blessed apostles OS this is a fantastic new dawn with @farm

The major reason we are blessed is to become blessing to others

Our leader and steemchurch founder, has been fulfilling God's word

Thanks for sharing



He has indeed been a blessing to us all, and he will receive it double time over!!
God bless you sir!!
We love and hold you in high esteem!

I really love this

Firstly, God blesses His children to demonstrate His outmost love for us

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for this wonderful teachings

If most of the wealthy and blessed people theses understanding that them being blessed is to be a blessing to other people,this world will be a better place to dwell in.
Many thought that they were blessed due to their hardworking or commitment, they don't care about people around them but rather they abuse them of being lazy and don't know the right button to press.

God blessed us to advance His kingdom and to touch the lives of those around us.

@sirknight is really a blessing to this community and the whole world. Through His effort, many lives have been touched and bless.
May God continue to uphold him

honor to whom honor deserves, our mentor gentleman @sirknight, thank you apostol for your wonderful message

Thanks for this, its just a reminder that God will always bless us. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

God leads us in ways to meet people who have needs and we must sell, and in the same way he introduces us in dondenos conditions we engage with people who give us a hands, a word, a comtribution, for me steemit, @steemchurch, @sirknight , @sniffnscurry, you and many of the parishioners of these labels have been (without going into idolatry), thank you for remembering it.

Nices posts thanks for sharing this posts GOD BLESS YOU.