Beloved children must not love the world system.
Beloved children must not love the world system
which extends from verses 15 to 28 of this same chapter, many would prefer to separate this section from the content of the previous section, but we believe that this section, to a large extent, is part of the subject that the apostle John has been addressing. The apostle has been addressing the issue of how the children of God can know that they are really His children. He has said that the way we can know is through the fact that we love him, and that we obey his commandments. Later on, John would tell us that the Lord's commandments are not burdensome, that is, they are not difficult to fulfill. Here we are not talking about the Ten Commandments given in the Old Testament, but of the commandments communicated by the Lord, because we have been introduced into the Holy of Holies to have a very personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone has suggested the following division, which we consider very appropriate: the letter to the Romans addresses the issue of how we left a house of slavery; the letter to the Ephesians tells us how to enter the house of the banquet; and the letter to the Hebrews tells us how we can approach the throne of grace. Now, the first letter of John, which we are studying, explains how to approach the divine presence.
The way we can have security, certainty, and present a test, not only to our neighbors, but also to ourselves, that we are genuine children of God, is through our obedience to Him, and in our desire to please Him. in everything we do. Perhaps some who when they promise to obey the Lord, in their mind are with an attitude similar to the one that clenches their teeth to say something that is forced to express, because their motivation is not love, and truly, love should be the reason to obey . Let us remember again that the Lord Jesus said: If you love me, keep my commandments (as we can read in John 14:15)
Dear listener, when you obey the commandments of Christ because you love him, many of the family problems will be solved and much of the uncertainty in your heart will disappear. It is not simply a matter of following a short course on how to live the Christian life. It is that many try to look for some support, albeit weak as a broken cane, to sustain them.
Christianity is based on a love relationship. Salvation is like an adventure of love. John was going to tell us more about this subject by writing. We love Him because He loved us first (as we read in 1 John 4:19).
Credits for the author Luis de Miguel, Bible school.
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