Let God be your strength

To be a successful Christian and even a successful steemian, you need God to be your strength. When we talk about strength what comes to mind usually is the physical strength where we talk about our muscle mass. This strength is still by the grace of God because a dead man cannot boast about any strength but the strength I am talking about here is your will, your power to be determined. There is a common saying a determined man cannot be stopped but I tell you without the grace of God that determination is useless. Let us always try to put God first, if you are determined to do something let that thing please God. Let me give you examples of people in the Bible who let God be their strength
- Samson: The story of how Samson killed a lion with his bare hand is a popular one but you and I know that "physically" speaking that is not possible but he was able to do it and that was because of the grace of God.
- David: As most of us know David in the Bible killed Goliath with just one stone, how possible is this if not by the grace of God.
Pls I beg every one reading this post to let God be your strength. Thank you.