My mom went through a whole lot of stress during my teenage years. I was very strong-willed and unteachable. The semo meal my husband is enjoying and speaking in tongues over now was a tug of war before I humbly gave in to my mom's constant corrections. She stands on my neck and issue instructions as I prepare the meal. Whichever one she left me to make always attract further tutorials. Sometimes she complains the semo is sweet like sugar because is not done. At other times, she complains the texture is hard. I finally admitted my semo was bad the day she stopped complaining
I couldn't eat because my semo was sweet like candy in my mouth. My common sense reminded me that my mom's semo is never like that. I pitifully looked at her as she was forcing down the morsels into her revolting throat. "Mom my semo is sweet like sugar" I said remorsefully. "It is undone" she said. And I apologized. That was how I learnt to make semo meal.
Another issue that usually caused rift between us was BOYFRIEND matter. I started dating as a teenager and it gave my mom a terrible heartache. She feared I would mess up my life. She would beat me, resist my movements and many times counsel me. If I only had a glimpse into my future to see that I would meet my husband in 2012, I would never have dated.
On this particular day, I can't vividly remember what my offence was, but I am sure it could be about me dating someone. People who see me hanging around with a guy often report me to her. My mom was talking at me for a time like eternity, reminded me of all her troubles raising me and my siblings singlehandedly ever since my dad's demise. At the end she flogged the hell out of me and vehemently ignored neighbors"s pleas. I cried as loud as I could, screaming on top of my lungs but she wouldn't bulge. In a split second I thought of what to do to bail myself out of the soldier punishment. I decided to make a fainting.
Prau! I held my breath for some seconds. All thanks to my music director who forcefully taught me how to hold my breath as I sing. Seeing that I was suddenly mute, my mom paused the beatings. I was happy the biafra war was over. I was disappointed with what followed.
"Oh you have fainted? Good, you should faint again because I won't stop beating you. You will revive with beatings" I cannot come and die. I have a destiny to fulfill. That was how I cried out again.
All my life I never knew how it feels to FAINT. I wished to experience it that day. But early this year, I was at the hospital for a medical procedure and that was how I felt dizzy. I was holding onto the nurse who was ushering me out of the theatre when I passed out. The next thing I saw was a thick dark & white cloud. The time at this other divide was kind of slow. I saw people all moving about as I looked on in bewilderment. I was lost in their midst.
For a time like eternity, I just opened my eyes and saw myself on a bare floor in the hospital. I couldn't recognize the blur faces I first saw. I looked straight ahead and I saw my husband looking into my eyes. He was calling me with a great tone of calmness and faith "Esther! Esther!"
I tried standing up but I couldn't lift myself. "What am I doing on the floor?" was the next word on my lips. My husband lifted me up as the nurses helped me to a bed.
So this is what it feels like to faint. I kept thinking. After my recovery, I remembered the day I wished I had fainted. But the Holy Spirit opened my heart to wisdom.
Fainting is a glimpse of eternity, the other side of this life.
Sleep is a glimpse of the other side of this life. My nephew has vomited three times this morning while I was in bed. I couldn't believe it all happened and I didn't wake up.
These two activities give us the idea that everything doesn't end in this side of life we are in.
At the time I was on the floor just like when you sleep or you die and your lifeless body is on the floor, your life continues at the other side of eternity. It won't matter how beautiful your cloth or skin is, it lies on lifeless. You won't know who is crying or happy you're gone. Your knowledge is suspended in this world, whether you're gently carried or thrown into the morgue like a dead rat. While people are crying and burying you, you are on the other side of this ➗ divide.
This is the reality.
We won't be here forever.
Our time will be over one day.
This is a call to spend our time WELL!
This question is only answered by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and living a life which projects the fruit of repentance.
Do not leave your eternal destiny to chance. Give your life to Jesus so that the other side will be full of fun for you.
Let this reality also spew you to the fulfillment of your life assignment.
Act your Scenes or roles before the camera cuts. Give your everything to it. God has given every man a portion of his work to be a blessing on earth for His kingdom. Jesus understands this clearly
" I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."
Devotedly enjoy your relationship with Christ and fulfil your purpose.
When you see a glimpse of Heaven, you'll NEVER want to be in this world any longer. Smiling. I just wished I could die immediately but after it was wrapped up, I wanted to stay here and die finished.
"But he (Stephen) , being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and SAW THE GLORY of GOD, and JESUS standing on the right hand of God,
And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God." Acts 7:55-56
Only people who are yet to have a GLIMPSE OF HEAVEN are afraid of death.
Live for Christ.
There's a glamorous life at the other side.