
Growing spiritually is your personal business, not your pastor wahala

Growth is one non-negotiable thing in the Christian life. In life as human we all need growth both physically and mentally. Likewise as a men of the spirit we need to grow spiritually to avoid been death.

The role of your pastor is to guide, put you right and set you to go and burn if you wish.

Note: Going to church, doing church activities and been punctual in church are not parameter to measure your spiritual growth

  • If your salvation stop at the base of your confession, going deep will be a barrier*

Note: Going deeper in the things of God is personal pursuit that you have to invest your life upon by yourself

God send men to men

But Men grow deeper in Christ at the mercy of their personal pursuit

  • But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,*


In our spiritual growth,t here is a part of general gathering because iron sharpens iron say the Bible.

There is a part of personal pursuit

If you depend your entire life on when there is a call for fire conference, night of worship, you will be surprise that you will not graduate from that class. I call that wandering in the wilderness

  • What keep the fire burning is your personal fanning of the fire*

  • A man or a woman who refused to fuel or fan the fire will end up becoming once upon a time*

Most of us will dress like a Christian, sing like angel, dancing like ghost and pray like a mad man. But deep inside , we are goat with sheep clothing

You can keep on lying to your pastor, keep on deceiving him a day is coming you will understand that you are only eating your future is when the matter would have gone far

Your spiritual life your is a matter to God note that very important.

If you can't open up to your pastor, how will he know you are dying inside

You know you are dying and you are still doing as if you are owk, when will you stop all this and attain a better life

You might say, if he has the holy ghost, he should know, lolz

Let me tell you

There are other life that matters to the holy ghost and those are life that open up.their weakness

Don't think the holy is not busy with others.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

The bible speaking Say this is what will keep you and build you to be a better christian.But today.

We have praying youth But wordless believers

What energize your prayer life is the word of God

We go to church, pray and pray and pray, but we get home and sleep off abandoning the word that is to give us life.

Am just here to challenge ourselves, let us go back to our first love. Tarry till you carry if you don't want to weary away

We are in the season of operation build your life

Very soon

√ There will be no pastor to teach you

What will you become by then???

Listen to me .

The purpose why you are born will be reveal to you only if you have a personal Chanel with the Spirit.

Whatever God is doing in the life of general overseer, He want to do in our lives, Only if we seek the ancient paths.

Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

If you don't have secret place

Go and start one If you don't use to study the Bible, start now, it is never too late to start. Men wanting to host revival are men panting after God in their closeth. As you are planning to take a change

May God help us to sustain the move. Amen


This is highly inspiring

If you want to grow spiritually you need to engage in the following spiritual disciplines:

Read the Bible daily.
Attend church regularly.
Pray daily.

I listen to a half hour sermon 5 days a week. "Thru the Bible" is a great program. You can download it for free at ttb.org.

I also listen to Christian music. I listen to songs that touch me emotionally and feed me spiritually.

Most importantly, take obedience seriously. If you don't grow in obedience you're unlikely to grow spiritually.

Hmm, good contribution